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Forum moderator: smin, borivoje, nolte, Dilber  
Skeneri, combo i proxi liste, configs i dr.
razalasesDatum: Nedjelja, 19.04.2020, 18:07 | Poruka broj: # 901

Poruka: 1

zineDatum: Nedjelja, 19.04.2020, 18:27 | Poruka broj: # 902

Poruka: 125

[size=17]IPTV Tools by MANZERA AYENA v0.5.3-Cracked

[spoiler]Available to users only
IstDatum: Nedjelja, 19.04.2020, 18:50 | Poruka broj: # 903

Poruka: 104

hvala zine
master12709Datum: Nedjelja, 19.04.2020, 19:06 | Poruka broj: # 904

Poruka: 234

Quote arikunori80 ()
@dewaerk is telling the truth. He gave a valuable hint. Several minutes of searching for a solution and the program works for me.

Pitam ga lepo gde edituje u regedit ili u os on nesto kenja i ni na pm ne odgovara.
Da je neki haker kao sto se predstavlja spojio bi to i crack program da sam uneses lic u generatot i dobijes za svoj pc nego nasao nesto na netu i sad kao pametan.

Uz to dok ne licenciras test ne mozes naci ni gde upisuje kljuc u registri.

Poruku uredio master12709 - Nedjelja, 19.04.2020, 19:07
VAIDatum: Nedjelja, 19.04.2020, 19:19 | Poruka broj: # 905

Poruka: 611

IPTV Tools by MANZERA AYENA v0.5.3-Cracked Neće da pokrene ovo Pomoć
master12709Datum: Nedjelja, 19.04.2020, 19:33 | Poruka broj: # 906

Poruka: 234


hvala za crack programs bravo

Poruku uredio master12709 - Nedjelja, 19.04.2020, 19:33
master12709Datum: Nedjelja, 19.04.2020, 19:43 | Poruka broj: # 907

Poruka: 234

Quote VAI ()
IPTV Tools by MANZERA AYENA v0.5.3-Cracked Neće da pokrene ovo Pomoć

Ako si pokretao ranije v0.7.2 i 0.7.5 moras u regedit naci veze od MANZERA i obrisati ih
posle toga mozes pokrenuti mada i dalje kao da nema neku vezu sa bazom iskoci prozor kao na slici i naravno zatvoris ga.

Inace ova crack verzija je funkcionalna, kao sto se i vidi na slici. I jos jednom hvala @zine

VAIDatum: Nedjelja, 19.04.2020, 19:54 | Poruka broj: # 908

Poruka: 611

master12709 ok Hvala Care
arikunori80Datum: Nedjelja, 19.04.2020, 19:55 | Poruka broj: # 909

Poruka: 13

The license is located on the server not in system registry.
dewaerkDatum: Nedjelja, 19.04.2020, 20:12 | Poruka broj: # 910

Poruka: 28

haker2 hehe
mladenmneDatum: Nedjelja, 19.04.2020, 22:05 | Poruka broj: # 911

Poruka: 2

Pozdrav za sve novi sam na forumu etomalo iz zabave ima se viska vremena a volim cackati oko televizije od uvijek..
Sto se tice ovog skenera IPTV Tools by MANZERA AYENA v0.5.3-Cracked izbacuje mi isti eror kao i
master12709 tako da ne znam kolikoje ovaj alat za ozbiljno shhvatat. Pozdrav
dewaerkDatum: Nedjelja, 19.04.2020, 22:36 | Poruka broj: # 912

Poruka: 28

i didn't test it so use in a VM, maybe there are virus/trojan/rat inside hihi

Poruku uredio dewaerk - Ponedjeljak, 20.04.2020, 08:25
master12709Datum: Nedjelja, 19.04.2020, 23:03 | Poruka broj: # 913

Poruka: 234

Kakav virus ne bulazni. I sta ce nam link od istog fajla kao sto je ZINE postavio.

Ne vidim ovde da ima proxy a ni u orginalnom tako da pitanje je koliko moze da skenira a da ne bude ban ip scan-a.
gasansDatum: Nedjelja, 19.04.2020, 23:18 | Poruka broj: # 914

Poruka: 61

engdiaasalahDatum: Ponedjeljak, 20.04.2020, 00:56 | Poruka broj: # 915

Poruka: 32

Quote master12709 ()
What a virus does not bully. And what will link us from the same file as ZINE posted.

I don't see it having a proxy and not an original one so the question is how much it can scan without being a ban ip scan.

the proxy inclode the exe
xandorishDatum: Ponedjeljak, 20.04.2020, 06:56 | Poruka broj: # 916

Poruka: 478

dewaerk! Asks what the password is.
dewaerkDatum: Ponedjeljak, 20.04.2020, 08:25 | Poruka broj: # 917

Poruka: 28

Quote xandorish ()
dewaerk! Asks what the password is.

sorry : rar pass:Br4uN#1
ziteDatum: Ponedjeljak, 20.04.2020, 09:55 | Poruka broj: # 918

Poruka: 13

Quote arikunori80 ()
The license is located on the server not in system registry.

Yeah but they know nothing, they think they can they are smart but they are noobs. The big example is @dewaerk

He is the dumbest person i never seen in my life.

The guy who cracked 0.5.3 is a turkish guy and i know him, but you.. you just copy paste guy.

& the big idiot is you sadly, because you think its a hint and its nothing. I'm out.

I can't be a kid because i already fucked your mom.
arikunori80Datum: Ponedjeljak, 20.04.2020, 11:10 | Poruka broj: # 919

Poruka: 13

@zite did I do something to you? Go do something pleasant, why waste energy arguing? We'd better help each other, that's why we're here.
materna13Datum: Ponedjeljak, 20.04.2020, 11:11 | Poruka broj: # 920

Poruka: 479

if you have a licence you can crack tool :)
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