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STB Stalker Portale - 2
catchmeifucanDatum: Nedjelja, 06.09.2020, 13:18 | Poruka broj: # 9981

Poruka: 7


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catchmeifucanDatum: Nedjelja, 06.09.2020, 13:20 | Poruka broj: # 9982

Poruka: 7

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catchmeifucanDatum: Nedjelja, 06.09.2020, 13:23 | Poruka broj: # 9983

Poruka: 7


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kv1999Datum: Nedjelja, 06.09.2020, 13:24 | Poruka broj: # 9984

Poruka: 37

ja mislim da treba ukinuti da ne mozemo da citamo postove, da se trazi 30, pa 50 pa 80 postova da bi mogao da procitam, a taj sto postavlja post ima samo tri posta, mislim da nije u redu, molio bih odgovorne da pogledaju tom i ako moze da se koriguje, hvala
catchmeifucanDatum: Nedjelja, 06.09.2020, 13:25 | Poruka broj: # 9985

Poruka: 7


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thegoldenoldies04Datum: Nedjelja, 06.09.2020, 13:45 | Poruka broj: # 9986

Poruka: 51

raj1234Datum: Nedjelja, 06.09.2020, 13:59 | Poruka broj: # 9987

Poruka: 31

materna13Datum: Nedjelja, 06.09.2020, 14:07 | Poruka broj: # 9988

Poruka: 479



Poruku uredio materna13 - Nedjelja, 06.09.2020, 14:07
materna13Datum: Nedjelja, 06.09.2020, 14:17 | Poruka broj: # 9989

Poruka: 479

stop Stop adding unchecked IPTV mac addresses noobsssssss
materna13Datum: Nedjelja, 06.09.2020, 14:20 | Poruka broj: # 9990

Poruka: 479

Poruku uredio materna13 - Nedjelja, 06.09.2020, 14:31
catchmeifucanDatum: Nedjelja, 06.09.2020, 14:22 | Poruka broj: # 9991

Poruka: 7


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restivoDatum: Nedjelja, 06.09.2020, 14:23 | Poruka broj: # 9992

Poruka: 118

Quote Frenk5216 ()

Quote restivo ()
hi samson. i wouldnt ask if it was working at my end. blank screen and my friends also say blank screen.
so not sure whats going on. thank you

I tried it is working. If you use VPN try with USA or other countries.

not used a vpn for age. everyone here in uk says its a blank screen on stb emu but ok woth ott navi. thanks frenk
skopljanacDatum: Nedjelja, 06.09.2020, 14:34 | Poruka broj: # 9993

Poruka: 42

Quote kv1999 ()
ja mislim da treba ukinuti da ne mozemo da citamo postove, da se trazi 30, pa 50 pa 80 postova da bi mogao da procitam, a taj sto postavlja post ima samo tri posta, mislim da nije u redu, molio bih odgovorne da pogledaju tom i ako moze da se koriguje, hvala

Slazem se!!!-Ovo je veç glupota!!!Mislio sam da çu u ovaj forum napokon naçi malo"mira" od vakvih baksuza i "grebatora" ali svaki dan je gori....
restivoDatum: Nedjelja, 06.09.2020, 14:35 | Poruka broj: # 9994

Poruka: 118

Quote autsajder ()
Quote restivo ( )
hi samson. i wouldnt ask if it was working at my end. blank screen and my friends also say blank screen.
so not sure whats going on. thank you

Find another sword, it works normally.

i only wish i could get that screen back. all my friends in the uk are getting blank screen. i honestly wouldnt have mentioned it if it worked correctly. i have had it working for 2 years so i kinda know when its not working correctly at my end. as i said its working on ott navi for me. thanks for all your help guys
BabacanDatum: Nedjelja, 06.09.2020, 14:52 | Poruka broj: # 9995

Poruka: 741

I don't actually have to comment, but do it, there are so many leeches here that make no bones about these codes that we crack here for this forum and put in here, users with fake accounts come here and just take the codes with them and they share in your telegram groups without mentioning anything from here or the person who cracked it share it with your own name so 30 posts stat zu mäcker ask yourself the moderator wrote to me himself and I shouldn't be able to share them publicly now You write to the moderator many greetings from Germany

catchmeifucanDatum: Nedjelja, 06.09.2020, 15:13 | Poruka broj: # 9996

Poruka: 7


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Poruku uredio catchmeifucan - Nedjelja, 06.09.2020, 15:14
moidom12006Datum: Nedjelja, 06.09.2020, 15:34 | Poruka broj: # 9997

Poruka: 2

Sultan-MirzaDatum: Četvrtak, 10.09.2020, 12:17 | Poruka broj: # 9998

Poruka: 14643

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STB Stalker Portale - 3 ((Sve vezano za STB,Smarters,Extreme Player i dr..))

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