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eslemkaderimsinDatum: Srijeda, 20.04.2016, 20:54 | Poruka broj: # 1

Poruka: 485

Obavezno streamove stavljajte u SPOILER i HIDE,zabranjeno postovanje XXX kanala (osjencite stremove i kliknete na spoiler,ponovo osjencite streamove i kliknete na hide)
[hide][spoiler] ........OVDJE IDU VASI STREAMOVI........ [/spoiler][/hide]
IWillMakeHistoryTodayDatum: Srijeda, 02.11.2016, 22:01 | Poruka broj: # 7761

Poruka: 141

If you LIKE this post,please say thanks by giving me +1 Reputation.Thanks
Poruku uredio IWillMakeHistoryToday - Srijeda, 02.11.2016, 22:07
IWillMakeHistoryTodayDatum: Srijeda, 02.11.2016, 22:07 | Poruka broj: # 7762

Poruka: 141

If you LIKE this post,please say thanks by giving me +1 Reputation.Thanks
Mumin007Datum: Srijeda, 02.11.2016, 22:09 | Poruka broj: # 7763

Poruka: 179

Bela4773 da li se može doznati ta caka unaprijed hvala
robert5476Datum: Srijeda, 02.11.2016, 22:24 | Poruka broj: # 7764

Poruka: 190
IWillMakeHistoryTodayDatum: Srijeda, 02.11.2016, 22:30 | Poruka broj: # 7765

Poruka: 141

If you LIKE this post,please say thanks by giving me +1 Reputation.Thanks
Poruku uredio IWillMakeHistoryToday - Srijeda, 02.11.2016, 22:32
IWillMakeHistoryTodayDatum: Srijeda, 02.11.2016, 22:35 | Poruka broj: # 7766

Poruka: 141


If you LIKE this post,please say thanks by giving me +1 Reputation.Thanks
robert5476Datum: Srijeda, 02.11.2016, 22:36 | Poruka broj: # 7767

Poruka: 190
bbgdj2004Datum: Srijeda, 02.11.2016, 22:40 | Poruka broj: # 7768

Poruka: 2094

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bato4521Datum: Srijeda, 02.11.2016, 22:42 | Poruka broj: # 7769

Poruka: 2

Ja nisam ništa razumio Belu, da li si ti otkrio kako rade oni njegovi postovi
IWillMakeHistoryTodayDatum: Srijeda, 02.11.2016, 22:52 | Poruka broj: # 7770

Poruka: 141

If you LIKE this post,please say thanks by giving me +1 Reputation.Thanks
Poruku uredio IWillMakeHistoryToday - Srijeda, 02.11.2016, 22:52
IWillMakeHistoryTodayDatum: Srijeda, 02.11.2016, 22:55 | Poruka broj: # 7771

Poruka: 141

If you LIKE this post,please say thanks by giving me +1 Reputation.Thanks
bbgdj2004Datum: Srijeda, 02.11.2016, 22:56 | Poruka broj: # 7772

Poruka: 2094

Available to users only
IWillMakeHistoryTodayDatum: Srijeda, 02.11.2016, 22:56 | Poruka broj: # 7773

Poruka: 141

If you LIKE this post,please say thanks by giving me +1 Reputation.Thanks
julariczeljkoDatum: Srijeda, 02.11.2016, 23:05 | Poruka broj: # 7774

Poruka: 5829

Bela4773 http://balkantvmedia.com/stream/DM_SAT/FeridPajoSch/Stream0401
ajde pokazi taj svoj trik kako da radi ovaj link od balkantvmedia.com kojih ti imas ocigledno jako puno stabilnih.pa za jedan trik ,neces propasti.
ali bez stabilnog pass usera ne ide ni jedna lista koje i sam imam ..Tebi svaka cast uzivaj u gledanju .. Koliko košta ta tvoja stabilna lista? I kiliko dugo ce raditi ?? Lp
IWillMakeHistoryTodayDatum: Srijeda, 02.11.2016, 23:06 | Poruka broj: # 7775

Poruka: 141

If you LIKE this post,please say thanks by giving me +1 Reputation.Thanks
bbgdj2004Datum: Srijeda, 02.11.2016, 23:06 | Poruka broj: # 7776

Poruka: 2094

Available to users only
IWillMakeHistoryTodayDatum: Srijeda, 02.11.2016, 23:08 | Poruka broj: # 7777

Poruka: 141

Quote julariczeljko ()
Bela4773 http://balkantvmedia.com/stream/DM_SAT/FeridPajoSch/Stream0401
ajde pokazi taj svoj trik kako da radi ovaj link od balkantvmedia.com kojih ti imas ocigledno jako puno stabilnih.pa za jedan trik ,neces propasti.
ali bez stabilnog pass usera ne ide ni jedna lista koje i sam imam ..Tebi svaka cast uzivaj u gledanju .. Koliko košta ta tvoja stabilna lista? I kiliko dugo ce raditi ?? Lp

It"s a little lies,if you want to watch more channels than balkantvmedia have,i suggest you to request a trial of our IPTV,its free and stabile,you can read about this in thread about IPTV selling on this forum:http://www.sultanovic.net/forum/12-1457-107331-16-1478104216. wink

If you LIKE this post,please say thanks by giving me +1 Reputation.Thanks
Poruku uredio IWillMakeHistoryToday - Srijeda, 02.11.2016, 23:10
linkDatum: Srijeda, 02.11.2016, 23:11 | Poruka broj: # 7778

Poruka: 238

Quote bato4521 ()
Ja nisam ništa razumio Belu, da li si ti otkrio kako rade oni njegovi postovi

Evo ovako radi didascalia ovo ispred svakog linka:
#EXTVLCOPT:http-user-agent=Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.2.1; en-us; Nexus One Build/FRG83)

ovako promijenis svaki link
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-name="N1" tvg-logo="",N1

#EXTVLCOPT:http-user-agent=Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.2.1; en-us; Nexus One Build/FRG83)

http://srv6.balkantvmedia.com:8080/N1?u=user1289 tongue =uyG6N2l7
bbgdj2004Datum: Srijeda, 02.11.2016, 23:13 | Poruka broj: # 7779

Poruka: 2094

Available to users only
Bela4773Datum: Srijeda, 02.11.2016, 23:15 | Poruka broj: # 7780

Poruka: 362

Poruku uredio Bela4773 - Srijeda, 02.11.2016, 23:16
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