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anilwDatum: Četvrtak, 03.07.2014, 13:06 | Poruka broj: # 2181

Poruka: 229

Hi Alex You are welcome

we are here to support each other.. and share whatever we find..
anilwDatum: Četvrtak, 03.07.2014, 13:14 | Poruka broj: # 2182

Poruka: 229

anilwDatum: Četvrtak, 03.07.2014, 13:14 | Poruka broj: # 2183

Poruka: 229

anilwDatum: Četvrtak, 03.07.2014, 13:27 | Poruka broj: # 2184

Poruka: 229

semiadmin_gabiDatum: Četvrtak, 03.07.2014, 13:27 | Poruka broj: # 2185

Poruka: 26

A romanian dreambox? ---> don't working Available to users only

I need LooK TV, LooK PLUS, LooK PLUS HD, LooK HD...


Poruku uredio semiadmin_gabi - Četvrtak, 03.07.2014, 13:28
semiadmin_gabiDatum: Četvrtak, 03.07.2014, 13:32 | Poruka broj: # 2186

Poruka: 26

anilwDatum: Četvrtak, 03.07.2014, 13:40 | Poruka broj: # 2187

Poruka: 229

don't know...
bingobongoDatum: Četvrtak, 03.07.2014, 13:58 | Poruka broj: # 2188

Poruka: 1154

Quote semiadmin_gabi ()


Asus RT-NSSU is a router interface, not a db ip wink
So don't worry about it
rapons89Datum: Četvrtak, 03.07.2014, 14:11 | Poruka broj: # 2189

Poruka: 69

i think that now link posted..it's only usefull to scan ip range...but i think also that some ip range are busy. busy because i search..you search..always search...
PippodreamboxDatum: Četvrtak, 03.07.2014, 14:22 | Poruka broj: # 2190

Poruka: 20
Status: Sky Italy
semiadmin_gabiDatum: Četvrtak, 03.07.2014, 14:30 | Poruka broj: # 2191

Poruka: 26

So still waiting for a dreambox with: LooK TV, LooK PLUS, LooK TV HD, LooK PLUS HD (is on Focussat & ESS), Crime & Investigation Network with sub RO, spark with subRO, DIGI sport 1 HD, DIGI sport 2 HD & other channels from Romania

Thank you!
Alter7771709Datum: Četvrtak, 03.07.2014, 17:32 | Poruka broj: # 2192

Poruka: 39

Quote anilw ()

Thanks Anilw, Sky Uk The Best

Poruku uredio Alter7771709 - Četvrtak, 03.07.2014, 17:33
bingobongoDatum: Četvrtak, 03.07.2014, 18:57 | Poruka broj: # 2193

Poruka: 1154

Quote semiadmin_gabi ()
So still waiting for a dreambox with: LooK TV, LooK PLUS, LooK TV HD, LooK PLUS HD (is on Focussat & ESS), Crime & Investigation Network with sub RO, spark with subRO, DIGI sport 1 HD, DIGI sport 2 HD & other channels from Romania

The only Romanian package working is digi (aka rcs & rds):


No chance to see Romanian channels not belonging to digi, as far as I know...
johnnyzetDatum: Četvrtak, 03.07.2014, 22:27 | Poruka broj: # 2194

Poruka: 28

Quote bingobongo ()

No chance to see Romanian channels not belonging to digi, as far as I know...

There is another provider from Romania that you cam watch: Focus Sat (you can find it as UPC Direct on 0.8 W). There is also ESS from Moldova (on 0.8 W) which contains some Romanian channels.

Poruku uredio johnnyzet - Četvrtak, 03.07.2014, 22:28
nedo0446Datum: Četvrtak, 03.07.2014, 23:11 | Poruka broj: # 2195

Poruka: 19

some exyu dreambox including slovenian channels?
Alex2013Datum: Petak, 04.07.2014, 11:06 | Poruka broj: # 2196

Poruka: 57

Slow speed. Arena sport. UK. IT
pokutDatum: Petak, 04.07.2014, 15:55 | Poruka broj: # 2197

Poruka: 38

Dreamboxes IP are killed after a few days since a member above page 150 posted fast links via ads (to earn money even IPs down biggrin ) , espiecially from Italy, Switzerland and Netherlands. angry

This triggered me because lots of IP from Switzerland are killed, except IP with portuguese content. (no one are interested in them biggrin )
and some IP are now overprotected password (RIP fast link with 4 tuners sad that I used to watch cry angry )

I scanned 85 IPs from this country the 1st June, password protect + POR content not included:
40 IPs are now down, 60% german, 75% italian, 35% exyu+turkish.

I recommend you to post a range+ what country provides or post only 1 link (slow preferred). And the rest you do a research yourself to limit visitors and prevent ips to cast from different forums. Don't let them being lazy surprised
johnnyzetDatum: Petak, 04.07.2014, 17:04 | Poruka broj: # 2198

Poruka: 28

Quote pokut ()
Dreamboxes IP are killed after a few days since a member above page 150 posted fast links via ads (to earn money even IPs down

The dreamboxes are killed not because are posted via ads, but because they are posted on forums! Once the IP appears on internet, the owner is changind the ip. That because he can see if is someone else on his dreambox.

Keep in mind that dreamboxes are not servers but some receptors for individual use!! So, when you are watching something on dreamboxes, you are changing the channel the owner is watching on tv!!
pokutDatum: Petak, 04.07.2014, 18:03 | Poruka broj: # 2199

Poruka: 38

I don't know if each DB has a proper log to know X is watching or Y is watching ...
Some IP down are simply click by Deepstandby and some are doing a trick on timer to record his wanted program ... or not.

Keep in mind that dreamboxes are not servers but some receptors for individual use!! So, when you are watching something on dreamboxes, you are changing the channel the owner is watching on tv!!

If you click on the channel you want to watch on OpenWebif, it zaps on the owner's box. It is not recommended.
When you click on a TV icon to watch, it contains web/stream.m3u?ref= so passe ton chemin.
There is another way to do this without changing on his box

Poruku uredio pokut - Petak, 04.07.2014, 18:30
rapons89Datum: Petak, 04.07.2014, 19:48 | Poruka broj: # 2200

Poruka: 69

i have a fast ip..but today..password sad
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