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ljubo9313Datum: Srijeda, 05.03.2014, 21:52 | Poruka broj: # 321

Poruka: 5

imali iko pinkove molimvas
TVRODatum: Četvrtak, 06.03.2014, 01:36 | Poruka broj: # 322

Poruka: 293

perro6969Datum: Četvrtak, 06.03.2014, 01:52 | Poruka broj: # 323

Poruka: 2

thanks for all the links!
any chance to get a guideline or a link which explains how to find new dreambox servers?
bingobongoDatum: Četvrtak, 06.03.2014, 02:07 | Poruka broj: # 324

Poruka: 1154

Can you make a tutorial to get the Open Webif ip's please?
Thanks for your work i apreciate

@joanet199915, first of all you may need an ip scanner (no worries, it's legal and free, and can be downloaded easily everywhere).

Then be careful to select the best ip ranges for a specified country and use the ip scanner to make a scan from x.x.0.0 to x.x.255.255, specifying "port 80" (as most Open Webifs use port 80).

Wait until the scan is finished, and try out the found ips on your browser. You will notice that some of them are router gateways (don't consider those ips), the others are Open Webif pages.

A personal opinion: the best DB ips - for speed and quality - are those from Switzerland...

I hope it helps

Poruku uredio bingobongo - Četvrtak, 06.03.2014, 02:19
crazyDatum: Četvrtak, 06.03.2014, 02:23 | Poruka broj: # 325

Poruka: 8

kako se radi ovo sa ip adresama. imam dreambox 800hd se i napravio bih za sebe da mogu gledati kad nisam kod kuce.
moneymakerDatum: Četvrtak, 06.03.2014, 02:32 | Poruka broj: # 326

Poruka: 29

ima nekoj CH ip?
bingobongoDatum: Četvrtak, 06.03.2014, 15:04 | Poruka broj: # 327

Poruka: 1154

Notice: this ip works fast (high speed is typical of Swiss ips) with TEAM:SAT (ex Yugoslavian channels). Use it carefully: when you notice that sometimes channels go down it might be due to overloading. So wait for 5-10 minutes and try later
moneymakerDatum: Četvrtak, 06.03.2014, 15:26 | Poruka broj: # 328

Poruka: 29

thanks bingobongo,

too much publicity.


Poruku uredio moneymaker - Četvrtak, 06.03.2014, 15:39
dylandogDatum: Četvrtak, 06.03.2014, 15:26 | Poruka broj: # 329

Poruka: 24

It looks fast but channals don't open with vlc. Any suggestion or a new one?
bingobongoDatum: Četvrtak, 06.03.2014, 15:36 | Poruka broj: # 330

Poruka: 1154

Quote dylandog ()
It looks fast but channals don't open with vlc.

It's the risk you run when you reveal the best ips publicly: after a while, they don't work anymore biggrin

It's like walking on the razor's edge wink

That's why now I think that the best solution is making a scan on your own, and using the best ips privately smile

Poruku uredio bingobongo - Četvrtak, 06.03.2014, 15:40
nikolaDatum: Četvrtak, 06.03.2014, 15:55 | Poruka broj: # 331

Poruka: 23

nolteDatum: Četvrtak, 06.03.2014, 16:04 | Poruka broj: # 332

Poruka: 6010

Then be careful to select the best ip ranges for a specified country and use the ip scanner to make a scan from x.x.0.0 to x.x.255.255, specifying "port 80" (as most Open Webifs use port 80

That's not true, do not be scanned port 80 because there you will find a many useless address, web portals, apache servers, and others ..... be scanned port 8001, because all the streams via dreambox go over port 8001

TVRODatum: Četvrtak, 06.03.2014, 16:11 | Poruka broj: # 333

Poruka: 293

Is there a DREAMBOX China's IP ah?I need,Thanks
TVRODatum: Četvrtak, 06.03.2014, 16:28 | Poruka broj: # 334

Poruka: 293

Or you can tell me the IP stage China used DREAMBOX
alex4297Datum: Četvrtak, 06.03.2014, 17:07 | Poruka broj: # 335

Poruka: 89

[http://visvall.mine.nu/#] enojoy
bingobongoDatum: Četvrtak, 06.03.2014, 17:41 | Poruka broj: # 336

Poruka: 1154

Quote nolte ()
That's not true, do not be scanned port 80 because there you will find a many useless address, web portals, apache servers, and others .

You can find a lot of OpenWbifs too, if you have enough time and patience to check out the results wink

all the streams via dreambox go over port 8001

Actually I think not all the DB streams redirect to port 8001. Some of them go over port 8082 or 8080...

The following DB ip, for instance (found through a scan on port 80), redirect you to port 8080:

And probably if I limited the scan to port 8081, I woldn't have been able to find that ip...

In my humble opinion, the search on port 80 takes surely a lot of time and will show you a lot of results that you need to filter, but at least what you get is an exhaustive and full list wink
nolteDatum: Četvrtak, 06.03.2014, 17:50 | Poruka broj: # 337

Poruka: 6010

First look the dreambox stream adress
http://xx.xx.xxx.xx: 8001/1:0:1:189D:7FD:2:11A0000:0:0:0:

second port 8001 is default dreambox streams port and it is also a filter for all adress scanning with port 80
You must know, you can open webif with port 80 but that does not mean that you can watch Stream , also you can you have closed port 80, you cant be entered in webif but you can watch Stream , there is big diference


4 server sky uk for first 4 members on pm biggrin

Poruku uredio nolte - Četvrtak, 06.03.2014, 18:09
moneymakerDatum: Četvrtak, 06.03.2014, 18:13 | Poruka broj: # 338

Poruka: 29

hey bingobongo,

do you know how I can actually use mystb.tv things?
nolteDatum: Četvrtak, 06.03.2014, 18:20 | Poruka broj: # 339

Poruka: 6010

send all members biggrin

poslano svima biggrin
crazyDatum: Četvrtak, 06.03.2014, 19:21 | Poruka broj: # 340

Poruka: 8


Izvini za pm ako smeta.....

Jel mi mozes molim te pomoci oko ovih IP adresa, zeleo bih da napravim samo za sebe da bih gledao nad nisam kod kuce. Ne razumem se u to. Bilo bi super Kodak po Koran posto stvarno nista neznam..... hvala
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