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myheeartDatum: Četvrtak, 20.03.2014, 03:46 | Poruka broj: # 661

Poruka: 88

here is the Good DB
you can watching all this list

some times Fast ,other bit Slow any way
Location Germany .

Enjoy it ;)

Poruku uredio myheeart - Četvrtak, 20.03.2014, 03:50
AmakkarADatum: Četvrtak, 20.03.2014, 04:57 | Poruka broj: # 662

Poruka: 5

BookDatum: Četvrtak, 20.03.2014, 05:20 | Poruka broj: # 663

Poruka: 18

i can't fix - - still buffering angry angry
MscxxDatum: Četvrtak, 20.03.2014, 12:42 | Poruka broj: # 664

Poruka: 15

thanks guys but a tutorial for scan Ip whit image, would be great for all member, happy
dylandogDatum: Četvrtak, 20.03.2014, 12:51 | Poruka broj: # 665

Poruka: 24

I agree with Mscxx, we need a tutoria for scan Ip. happy Thanks
PizorkoDatum: Četvrtak, 20.03.2014, 15:19 | Poruka broj: # 666

Poruka: 362

hey , zdravo sve, po moe mislenje zasto ne uradite eden tutorial korak po korak full so foto (photo) kako se nadje eden dreambox ip ili DreamBox WebControl ? ovaj prasanje go stavam koj znae ok
Prvo druze treba da se upoznas dobro kako se koristiti box i cek tada mozes da trazis,zasto kad go nadzes ce gledas kao vanzemaljac na njega i odmah ce go sjebes .Ima mnogo pitanja prvo na koj treba da otgovoris koliko vida ima DreamBox WebControl,koliko ljudi moze da gleda to (naravno nemoze ves internet), treba li kad nadzes box da go stavis u internetu,kad gleda vlasnik boxa mozeli i ti da gledas ili da mu menjas kanali u WebControl, ot gde se skidat kanali iz WebControl(za razliciti vida razlicito),kako da proveriti koj kanali radat na jedan box i kada da proverim (naj bolje kad vlasnik negleda),ot sta zavisi kvaliteta boxa(naravno ot uplond vlasnika-koliko brz internet ima)kako da proverim to i jos par pitanja .
myheeartDatum: Četvrtak, 20.03.2014, 19:01 | Poruka broj: # 667

Poruka: 88

you want to watch channels like(OpenWebif or Enigma 2 etc) its so easy just Follow this steps
1-be sure that your PC or NoteBook or Tab or OS Linux etc ) has the Media Prog like (VLC -MEDIA PLAYER-SIMPLE TV an etc) if you have not, just download any and setup it
2- try to find any DB ips but should a live ip ,not died
3-when you are in page first thing you should to do is look at the top in left corner ,if there any Owner watching any channel or no .because 2 things first if yes he watch then you should wathc what he shown .if no owner there it means you can watch what you like.
4-download the channel or the group you want ,then play it with the media you like to watching with.

some images to explain what i wrote above
i use this DB ip as Example

i hope you Enjoy

Poruku uredio myheeart - Četvrtak, 20.03.2014, 19:13
teacherDatum: Četvrtak, 20.03.2014, 20:30 | Poruka broj: # 668

Poruka: 135

If the owner has 2 or more tuners in his Dreambox you can watch all the channels at any time. First, I check if this is the case.
(Infos - Box Infos on WebIf). In UK and Ireland most dreamboxes (VUplus duo) have at least two tuners. So no problem to watch 24 hours a day any programm from the dreambox.

Upload speed of the owner of the dreambox should be 3mb/sec. This is the case for Swedish IPs, BT, Virginmedia, UPC Netherlands and others. No good picture from Telekom Germany, Austria or Italia, Malta, Bluewin Switzerland or other providers without Cable-Internet
Prilozi: 5526402.jpg (64.3 Kb)

Poruku uredio teacher - Četvrtak, 20.03.2014, 20:36
teacherDatum: Četvrtak, 20.03.2014, 22:35 | Poruka broj: # 669

Poruka: 135

Best program to watch Dreambox-Stream

This program allows you to control any dreambox as if it was in your home. Simply put in the ip-adress of the dreambox and leave your own. You'll have access to all channels and the recorded movies. Leave Login/PW: root/dreambox.
Quality is much better than VLC 2.1.2

But you must know some basic German


Have fun. biggrin
Prilozi: 4074994.jpg (85.6 Kb)

Poruku uredio teacher - Četvrtak, 20.03.2014, 22:43
ntvplus701Datum: Petak, 21.03.2014, 00:10 | Poruka broj: # 670

Poruka: 28

Quote teacher ()
Best program to watch Dreambox-Stream

This program allows you to control any dreambox as if it was in your home. Simply put in the ip-adress of the dreambox and leave your own. You'll have access to all channels and the recorded movies. Leave Login/PW: root/dreambox.
Quality is much better than VLC 2.1.2

But you must know some basic German


Have fun.
Prilozi: 4074994.jpg(86Kb)

tell me more on how to install it I did not get! (
kimimaxDatum: Petak, 21.03.2014, 02:10 | Poruka broj: # 671

Poruka: 96

Dreamstream is the same as vlc for me better picture is on Simple tv or MCP player because in the end all depends on upload owener speed biggrin
diabolik71Datum: Petak, 21.03.2014, 02:37 | Poruka broj: # 672

Poruka: 5

Hello everyone and congratulations for the forum. I had a question to ask the experts. for example I have this link
which includes an audio stream and video stream for use with vlc

if I want to use only the audio stream .... how do I change the link?

thanks for the help
kimimaxDatum: Petak, 21.03.2014, 03:24 | Poruka broj: # 673

Poruka: 96

theres no way to just have a link for audio stream
BookDatum: Petak, 21.03.2014, 06:48 | Poruka broj: # 674

Poruka: 18

sky germany please
teacherDatum: Petak, 21.03.2014, 10:18 | Poruka broj: # 675

Poruka: 135


Available to users only
gaetekDatum: Petak, 21.03.2014, 10:50 | Poruka broj: # 676

Poruka: 5

There is an app for android to scan range ip?
kimimaxDatum: Petak, 21.03.2014, 14:30 | Poruka broj: # 677

Poruka: 96

Quote gaetek ()
There is an app for android to scan range ip?

use windows much better biggrin there is one i think but without port setting
nolteDatum: Petak, 21.03.2014, 15:06 | Poruka broj: # 678

Poruka: 6010

Dreamstream is the same as vlc for me better picture is on Simple tv or MCP player because in the end all depends on upload owener speed

Yes, that is true , picture is same on vlc , dremstream , simple player also have same picture quality for me
"all depends on upload" owener speed
like kimi say
crazyDatum: Petak, 21.03.2014, 15:45 | Poruka broj: # 679

Poruka: 8

jel mi moze neko molim vas objasniti kako napraviti za sebe ovakvu ip, zelim gledati kad nisam kod kuce, imam dm 800se. moze i na pm. hvala
ntvplus701Datum: Petak, 21.03.2014, 16:20 | Poruka broj: # 680

Poruka: 28

Quote nolte ()
Dreamstream is the same as vlc for me better picture is on Simple tv or MCP player because in the end all depends on upload owener speed

Yes, that is true , picture is same on vlc , dremstream , simple player also have same picture quality for me
"all depends on upload" owener speed
like kimi say

please tell us how this program works >>?
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