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hackerDatum: Petak, 04.04.2014, 20:41 | Poruka broj: # 961

Poruka: 15

ciao ragazzi eccomi qua di nuovo a spiegare che usando le ultime versioni di un programma tipo vlc e sempre meglio io non ho problemi con la versione atttuale l'ultima con un intel ®core (tm )2 duo cpu e6750 @ 268 ghz 4 gb di ram non so chre tipo avete voi di computer avete quindi non sto a sindacare su questo. pero un buon pc ha piu prestazioni di uno di di basso rendimento , poi io non ho detto che ci vogliono 7 megabites o 20 megabites per avere il flusso migliore bisogna trovare quello giusto ed e molto difficile e chi lo trova non credo che lo metta in rete o in forum a meno che non abbia di nuovi funzionanti meglio .pero e vero che con una buona banda riesci a vedere anche se a scatti i vari canali per lo meno e cosi per me .poi io do dei consigli per chi li accetta e sono le mie prove fatte da me medesimo e con cui riesco a vedere molto di piu di prima che avessi provato tutto questo ripeto che noi siamo qui per discutere con tutti dei vari problemi e soluzioni sarebbe bello che qualcuno mettesse in giro tutto quello che occorre per vedere e le varie stringhe con i vari codici ma non credo che potra mai essere cosi. il mio consiglio e di leggere attentamente tutto quello che rilasciamo nel forum i0 ho imparato da questo forum moltissime cose che prima non sapevo ringrazio lo staff e tutti quelli che ne fanno parte . a presto . leggete e tutto scritto nel grandissimo forum sultanovici. grazie e a presto

hello guys , here I am again to explain that using the latest versions of a program like VLC and getting better I have no problem with the latest version atttuale with an Intel ® Core ( tm) 2 Duo CPU E6750 @ 4 ghz 268 gb of ram I do not know chre type of computer you have you then I will not criticize about it. but a good PC has more than one performance of low performance , then I did not say that it takes 7 megabytes or 20 megabytes for having the best stream you have to find the right one and it is very difficult and I do not think that anyone who finds it please network or forum unless you have new running better. though it is true that a good band can also see if the shots for the various channels and less so for me. then i give some advice to those who accept them and my tests are made ​​by myself and with whom I can see much more of this before I had tried everything I repeat that we are here to discuss with all of the various problems and solutions would be nice if someone put around all that is needed to and see the various strings with the various codes but i do not think that will ever be so . my advice and read everything that we issue in the forum i0 I've learned from this forum a lot of things I did not know that before I thank the staff and all those who belong to it. soon. Read and write in all forums sultanovici great . thanks and see you soon

tonymaneroDatum: Petak, 04.04.2014, 22:01 | Poruka broj: # 962

Poruka: 3

is there any program to get ip of dreambox?
Hay algun programa para sacar ip de dreambox?
vaidaidaiDatum: Petak, 04.04.2014, 22:27 | Poruka broj: # 963

Poruka: 97

Sai Hacker non c è niente di giusto, neache niente di sbagliato. Questi sistemi vanno e vengono...niente di stabile.
Al momento che ce l hai hai soddisfazione; poi piü tardi sei deluso perché non rispecchia le tue aspettative, non vä piü, oppure server chiuso, disattivato...ecc..

Morale della favola..non prendertela troppo, goditi i momenti migliori quando hai fortuna di beccarli...ehehe cool angry cry
vaidaidaiDatum: Petak, 04.04.2014, 22:31 | Poruka broj: # 964

Poruka: 97

Hackers know there is nothing right, NEAC nothing wrong. These systems come and go ... nothing stable.
At the time that we have the satisfaction you; Then later you're disappointed because it does not reflect your expectations, no longer, or server closed off ... etc. ..

Moral of the story .. do not take it too much, enjoy the best moments when you're lucky enough to catch them ... hehe
modjoDatum: Subota, 05.04.2014, 00:15 | Poruka broj: # 965

Poruka: 21

Guys this is the paradise of IPTV HD channels... we should find out the username and the password. And we will be able to watch more than 2000 channels. Any guessing about the password and the username?
Other costumers of the web site said that the password and the username are that easy.

hackerDatum: Subota, 05.04.2014, 08:45 | Poruka broj: # 966

Poruka: 15

grazie vaidaidai per le belle parole confermo in pieno quello che dici poi noi infondo non facciamo niente di male solo che il duro lavoro che ce dietro ad ogni scansione di porta e dopo ore ed ore di lavoro e nottate in bianco riusciamo a trovare qualcosa. pero ci sono persone che non condividono nulla e vogliono vedere senza fare nessun sforzo con questo escludo tutto lo staff che se non fosse per loro non staremo a parlare di questo. grazie per aver preso le mie difese ciao a presto . se vuoi mandami la richiesta su facebook che diventiamo amici e scambiamo 4 chiacchiere se ti va fammi sapere ok .

vaidaidai thanks for the nice words confirm what you say in full then we do not instill anything bad just that the hard work that we back every scan port and after hours and hours of work and sleepless nights we can find something. but there are people who do not share anything and want to see without making any effort with this exclude all the staff that if it were not for them we are not going to talk about this. thanks for taking my defenses hello soon. if you want to send me a request on facebook that we become friends and exchange 4 a chat if you like let me know ok
hackerDatum: Subota, 05.04.2014, 08:49 | Poruka broj: # 967

Poruka: 15

ragazzi complimenti per l'dea dell ascoltare musica e forte bravi a tutti siete grandi

congratulations guys for the idea of ​​listening to loud music and all you are good at large smile
hackerDatum: Subota, 05.04.2014, 08:54 | Poruka broj: # 968

Poruka: 15
Status: ip permanente per sky italia non so fino a quando per ora va provato comunque di notte sembra che mantiene

86,168,210,225 ip Standing Italian sky not know until now to be tested, however, at night it seems that maintains
slackwarefulDatum: Subota, 05.04.2014, 08:57 | Poruka broj: # 969

Poruka: 93

please albanian ip box sports work
vaidaidaiDatum: Subota, 05.04.2014, 13:42 | Poruka broj: # 970

Poruka: 97

STASERA CI FACCIO UN GIRO SU QUESTO IP hACKER; sono curioso di sapere come è!!!!

bingobongoDatum: Subota, 05.04.2014, 14:09 | Poruka broj: # 971

Poruka: 1154

Quote hacker ()
just that the hard work that we back every scan port and after hours and hours of work and sleepless nights we can find something. but there are people who do not share anything and want to see without making any effort

Actually I think the situation is more delicate, and doesn't have much to do with the will of people to take only without giving. Posting db ips unfortunately can put the internet freedom and the privacy of their owners in trouble (although their ips are already available publicly). This would explain why many people are now very cautious to post ips.
In addition, Italy is suffering serious (and often underrated) problems of internet censorship related to the interests of the most powerful mass media companies that are directly or indirectly connected with Silvio Berlusconi.
In fact in Europe the phenomenon of internet censorship for this kind of reasons is so strong only in Italy.
This is why, as I live in Italy, I personally prefer avoiding to post Italian ips or those featuring Sky Italy active and working. In this case, I think it would be wise to keep cards closed (that's also why I tend to ignore questions of people asking for Sky Italy ips).
For the other countries, instead, there are no problems: I'm very glad to post ips, especially Scandinavian ones with Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish or Danish channels. Scandinavian countries, in fact, are very tolerant and do not rise judicial scandals for this kind of things. The same applies to China or Russia: in spite these countries censor activities for political reasons, they seem much more tolerant and open minded with media streaming.

Poruku uredio bingobongo - Subota, 05.04.2014, 14:19
nolteDatum: Subota, 05.04.2014, 21:30 | Poruka broj: # 972

Poruka: 6010

Guys, all related about dm address and how to scan, what programs to use.... All this information contained here in this topic,
everything is here, all you need is use search and find biggrin
TVRODatum: Nedjelja, 06.04.2014, 00:57 | Poruka broj: # 973

Poruka: 293

But why not find China's DREAMBOX it?
TVRODatum: Nedjelja, 06.04.2014, 16:18 | Poruka broj: # 974

Poruka: 293

Available to users only
aragonbarcaDatum: Nedjelja, 06.04.2014, 19:05 | Poruka broj: # 975

Poruka: 251

arabic dreambox plz bein
pejaDatum: Nedjelja, 06.04.2014, 19:37 | Poruka broj: # 976

Poruka: 503

pejaDatum: Nedjelja, 06.04.2014, 19:42 | Poruka broj: # 977

Poruka: 503

bingobongoDatum: Ponedjeljak, 07.04.2014, 00:16 | Poruka broj: # 978

Poruka: 1154

Quote TVRO ()
But why not find China's DREAMBOX it?

I tried to scan Chinese ips a few days ago, with no results. It's evident DB is not popular in China.
But Chinese don't need it, in my opinion: they have already got almost all their channels easily and freely available on the internet.

I think the only Far East channels very hard to find are the ones belonging to the Hong Kong Now TV package (such as Now Sports 1-7)

Poruku uredio bingobongo - Ponedjeljak, 07.04.2014, 00:40
x2x2Datum: Ponedjeljak, 07.04.2014, 00:35 | Poruka broj: # 979

Poruka: 1

Czech and slovak? Thanks
tommy79Datum: Ponedjeljak, 07.04.2014, 13:12 | Poruka broj: # 980

Poruka: 7

Quote exodus ()
Ciao Tommy79, scusa ho letto solo ora. Allora, provo a rispondere alle tue domande. Le connessioni cable NON VENGONO RICONOSCIUTE, ma devi un po ragionare. Prima di tutto andando qua http://www.nirsoft.net/countryip/ hai elencate tutte le nazioni che hanno compagnie telefoniche che forniscono internet, compresa l'italia... in Italia ad esempio, sai che Fastweb ha una connessione veloce... .. a quel punto con wotweb, imposti gli ip prendendo spunto da questo sito e ti concentri solo sulla porta 8001...

grazie mille exodus , mi sembra che gia feci quella scansione qualche giorno fa trovando l'ip con un'altro sito di riferimento , se non sbaglio sono pochi gli ip di fast vero?
thank you very much exodus, it seems to me that already did that scan a few days ago with another ip finding the reference site, if I'm not mistaken there are few true ip fast?
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