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Forum moderator: smin, borivoje, nolte, Dilber  
Skeneri, combo i proxi liste, configs i dr.
commandoDatum: Četvrtak, 22.04.2021, 10:46 | Poruka broj: # 2261

Poruka: 141

Ako šta treba pitaj prvate. Vidiš da ovde pojedini na zaman skaču ko damljanov zelenko.

commando satelitski forum
youtube channel

Poruku uredio commando - Četvrtak, 22.04.2021, 10:52
adoluxanov71Datum: Četvrtak, 22.04.2021, 13:25 | Poruka broj: # 2262

Poruka: 62


U redu, imaću to na umu.
zoks67Datum: Petak, 23.04.2021, 18:12 | Poruka broj: # 2263

Poruka: 19


Mozda ce ti ovo pomoci:


thor2869Datum: Subota, 24.04.2021, 12:15 | Poruka broj: # 2264

Poruka: 225


vu stalker portal za vas (zoks67) & _pinky_

Sretan sam što sam našel nekoga za uzajamnu pomoć. O vu+ ultimo 4k će raditi i na vašem prijemniku, bijesan sam na programerje i proizvođači i dobavljači iptv-a velike glupo mentalno oštećenje, čak i vječnost, neko sranje, ali ništa ne funkcionira kako bi trebalo .. bolje da protestiramo protiv njihove ludosti.bi bolje da više ništa ne platimo jer su oni drkadžije

poserjem se na tehnologiju iptv zato se mora še 10 godina graditi ....

Poruku uredio thor2869 - Subota, 24.04.2021, 12:52
MateDatum: Četvrtak, 29.04.2021, 23:31 | Poruka broj: # 2265

Poruka: 240

Xstreamity je ok i lijepi UI ima, pa bi njega preporučio. Možeš mu dodat i EPG
commandoDatum: Petak, 30.04.2021, 01:04 | Poruka broj: # 2266

Poruka: 141

Quote _pinky_ ()
neki stalker portal klient za VU+ zero 4k ???? Neshto slichno kao za android(ott-navigator-iptv, IPTV.Stalker.Player-Pro,RobinhoodTvPro, StbEmu.Pro

Quote Mate ()
Xstreamity je ok i lijepi UI ima, pa bi njega preporučio. Možeš mu dodat i EPG

Znači pitao je isključivo za stalker unos a ne m3u i isključivo za Zero4k risiver.
A pošto je dato to sa linkova iznad, trebao je to proveriti radi li i dati povratnu informaciju. Da ili Ne.
Na zgemma h7s radi stalker bez problema sa klasičnim stalkerom iz addonsa image uz menjanje mac adrese i bez restarta-gui ili reboot-a.

Prikaz i dokaz. Stalker je vizuelno isti kao STBEmu za androide, što se i vidi u prilogu iz linka >>>> STALKER

commando satelitski forum
youtube channel

Poruku uredio commando - Petak, 30.04.2021, 01:07
leoh12707Datum: Subota, 01.05.2021, 13:24 | Poruka broj: # 2267

Poruka: 79

I got many requests in PN, so I make it automatically for all.
openbullet config for stalker_portals with SN+ID


supporty all versions ministra
the real hit of this season
Soon will be ready new config - real user/pass for all mac's stalker portals.
ppppDatum: Subota, 01.05.2021, 13:53 | Poruka broj: # 2268

Poruka: 33

Quote leoh12707 ()
supporty all versions ministra
the real hit of this season
Soon will be ready new config - real user/pass for all mac's stalker portals.

the SN is not posibble the stb id is easy...for the SN u need to have access to admin and your ob config dont parse the Serial_Number of box only write to txt some iddf blank.

dont give money for shits.

Poruku uredio pppp - Subota, 01.05.2021, 14:03
leoh12707Datum: Subota, 01.05.2021, 14:11 | Poruka broj: # 2269

Poruka: 79

Quote pppp ()
the SN is not posibble the stb id is easy...for the SN u need to have access to admin and your ob config dont parse the Serial_Number of box only write to txt some iddf blank.

SN, ID scanned success.
I'm not surprised if you are new in this matter.
Available to users only

With admin login - we can kill all portal)

Poruku uredio leoh12707 - Subota, 01.05.2021, 14:12
ppppDatum: Subota, 01.05.2021, 14:16 | Poruka broj: # 2270

Poruka: 33

u show only in end some info... and where is parse grab block of ob.

do u show some ID and cannot parse the IP address dont cheat...

Poruku uredio pppp - Subota, 01.05.2021, 14:19
leoh12707Datum: Subota, 01.05.2021, 14:24 | Poruka broj: # 2271

Poruka: 79

Quote pppp ()
u show only in end some info... and where is parse grab block of ob.

do u show some ID and cannot parse the IP address dont cheat...

all in config.
maybe you want that I posted all and can copy it for free no

More than 20 peoples get it from me via PM, since the first my offer a few months ago.

Poruku uredio leoh12707 - Subota, 01.05.2021, 14:27
ppppDatum: Subota, 01.05.2021, 14:27 | Poruka broj: # 2272

Poruka: 33

Quote leoh12707 ()
all in config.
maybe you want that I posted all and can copy it for free

":{"status":1,"msg":"Device conflict - device_id mismatch","

is already blocked and dont work and with the posted SN and id tested in sfvip player dont open.
leoh12707Datum: Subota, 01.05.2021, 14:32 | Poruka broj: # 2273

Poruka: 79

Quote pppp ()
is already blocked and dont work and with the posted SN and id tested in sfvip player dont open.

I tested v + de vpn - works on SFvip an android players.
When you paste SN, ID - no Device conflict and will be works all time subscribe, but when more 10 users will be watching at the same time - will be freeze.
So better to scan private (no public) mac for himself.

Poruku uredio leoh12707 - Subota, 01.05.2021, 14:35
ppppDatum: Subota, 01.05.2021, 14:34 | Poruka broj: # 2274

Poruka: 33

post screenshot or video of sfvip with the id and sn..
i say again is not possible.
leoh12707Datum: Subota, 01.05.2021, 14:49 | Poruka broj: # 2275

Poruka: 79

Quote pppp ()
post screenshot or video of sfvip with the id and sn..
i say again is not possible.

here video:

don't span more please.
abaccardy_x69Datum: Subota, 01.05.2021, 22:54 | Poruka broj: # 2276

Poruka: 44

it is not problem to find device id, if u have open enter to admin panel...and u can put it to any player... no problem, but scann device id by openbullet there no way... so mate dunno fool this people here......
Poruku uredio abaccardy_x69 - Subota, 01.05.2021, 22:55
mmickumsDatum: Nedjelja, 02.05.2021, 00:36 | Poruka broj: # 2277

Poruka: 14

commandoDatum: Nedjelja, 02.05.2021, 04:05 | Poruka broj: # 2278

Poruka: 141

Džaba, vam novci moji sinovci. CRACKED!
Ovo je samo za EMD i ove koji se kuropecaju.
Trajalo je malo duže zbog drugih obaveza ali biće tu i zagzung kao što sam rekao.

commando satelitski forum
youtube channel

Poruku uredio commando - Nedjelja, 02.05.2021, 04:07
emdrtdeDatum: Nedjelja, 02.05.2021, 14:41 | Poruka broj: # 2279

Poruka: 49

slabe dokaze imaš :)

EMD All in one
abaccardy_x69Datum: Nedjelja, 02.05.2021, 14:50 | Poruka broj: # 2280

Poruka: 44

Quote commando ()
Džaba, vam novci moji sinovci. CRACKED!
Ovo je samo za EMD i ove koji se kuropecaju.
Trajalo je malo duže zbog drugih obaveza ali biće tu i zagzung kao što sam rekao.

Druze preseravas se bez potrebe, taj plejer mozes gledati samo kad ti autor dozvoli ulaz u njega, i moze da ti ugasi nalog kad god pozeli.
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