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Pitanja,komentari,diskusija i ostalo ???
lecciDatum: Srijeda, 21.12.2016, 14:12 | Poruka broj: # 1421

Poruka: 160

Dali neko zna kako se moze naruciti liste/kanali sa ovoga sajta "mygameravatar.zapto.org"
IWillMakeHistoryTodayDatum: Četvrtak, 22.12.2016, 22:08 | Poruka broj: # 1422

Poruka: 141

Our reseller send to me working links extracted from one very expensive Switzerland IPTV app,her streams is same to this one:


But problem with this streams is:I can"t watch this streams in any player on my PCs.I try this players:VLC,Kodi,XBMC Frodo,CherryPlayer,IP-TV Player,SimpleTV,QuickTime.
But problem is this app(source of this links) use ZAPPWARE platform and Verymatrix plugin for channel decryping and watching security.
Does anyone have idea how to deceive Verymatrix security,and watch this channels in player or players?

If you LIKE this post,please say thanks by giving me +1 Reputation.Thanks
TheOne5063Datum: Petak, 23.12.2016, 02:40 | Poruka broj: # 1423

Poruka: 13

Quote IWillMakeHistoryToday ()
Our reseller send to me working links extracted from one very expensive Switzerland IPTV app,her streams is same to this one:


But problem with this streams is:I can"t watch this streams in any player on my PCs.I try this players:VLC,Kodi,XBMC Frodo,CherryPlayer,IP-TV Player,SimpleTV,QuickTime.
But problem is this app(source of this links) use ZAPPWARE platform and Verymatrix plugin for channel decryping and watching security.
Does anyone have idea how to deceive Verymatrix security,and watch this channels in player or players?

SBB? No!
IWillMakeHistoryTodayDatum: Petak, 23.12.2016, 12:29 | Poruka broj: # 1424

Poruka: 141

TheOne5063, Of course,NO!!! This is Switzerland IPTV app,and have a lot of FULL HD(1080P and 720P) channels.This is some of channels in this playlist:

If someone help me to deceive Verymatrix security,and watch this channels in player or players,i will give FULL THIS PLAYLIST to this guy.But please don"t post public...

If you LIKE this post,please say thanks by giving me +1 Reputation.Thanks
TheOne5063Datum: Petak, 23.12.2016, 13:22 | Poruka broj: # 1425

Poruka: 13

Quote IWillMakeHistoryToday ()
TheOne5063, Of course,NO!!! This is Switzerland IPTV app,and have a lot of FULL HD(1080P and 720P) channels.This is some of channels in this playlist:

If someone help me to deceive Verymatrix security,and watch this channels in player or players,i will give FULL THIS PLAYLIST to this guy.But please don"t post public...

It's not Verymatrix it's Verimatrix.

The one who can figure out Verimatrix security can get the whole list, the one doesn't exist. Even if he can do it you think he would share it just for the whole playlist? That's one of the strongest protections for pay-TV networks and you think someone can figure it out just like that and give it to you just like that? Good luck with that.
IWillMakeHistoryTodayDatum: Petak, 23.12.2016, 13:46 | Poruka broj: # 1426

Poruka: 141

TheOne5063, You don"t understand...I HAVE WORKING PLAYLIST LOOK LIKE EXAMPLES IN MY QUESTION,I DON"T NEED PLAYLIST.I just need a trick for deceive Verimatrix security and watch channels in player or players.If anyone help me i will send on skype etc... whole FULL HD playlist of this IPTV provider.

If you LIKE this post,please say thanks by giving me +1 Reputation.Thanks
Poruku uredio IWillMakeHistoryToday - Petak, 23.12.2016, 13:49
TheOne5063Datum: Petak, 23.12.2016, 14:04 | Poruka broj: # 1427

Poruka: 13

Quote IWillMakeHistoryToday ()
TheOne5063, You don"t understand...I HAVE WORKING PLAYLIST LOOK LIKE EXAMPLES IN MY QUESTION,I DON"T NEED PLAYLIST.I just need a trick for deceive Verimatrix security and watch channels in player or players.If anyone help me i will send on skype etc... whole FULL HD playlist of this IPTV provider.

You do not understand, you do not have a working playlist, why would you be here otherwise? You only have one part of the playlist. You need some hidden parameters and you need to tweak some players (not all, just a few, to be exact) to be able to watch. Restreamers dream about this, HD channels to earn more money and you want it for free? Again, good luck.
IWillMakeHistoryTodayDatum: Petak, 23.12.2016, 20:53 | Poruka broj: # 1428

Poruka: 141

Quote TheOne5063 ()

You do not understand, you do not have a working playlist, why would you be here otherwise? You only have one part of the playlist. You need some hidden parameters and you need to tweak some players (not all, just a few, to be exact) to be able to watch. Restreamers dream about this, HD channels to earn more money and you want it for free? Again, good luck.

Ok,but i don"t need this for restream,we have IPTV with more than 90000 users worldwide,about 6000 resellers and more than 1500 FULL HD channels.I need this for me,for watching in KODI,VLC etc... because this channels have subtitles,and have a FULL HD 1080 picture without lagging.
Quote TheOne5063 ()
You need some hidden parameters and you need to tweak some players

Ok,you know this,but why you don"t wish to send me in PRIVATE how i can do this?
@freezonatv I also think that you know how i can resolve my problem.

Who can help me, gets special gift from me 1 month of FULL(all channels form all packages) playlist for 6 devices,and can be used of different IP,and this playlist which creates this problems for me. wink

If you LIKE this post,please say thanks by giving me +1 Reputation.Thanks
Poruku uredio IWillMakeHistoryToday - Petak, 23.12.2016, 20:54
okllasDatum: Subota, 24.12.2016, 15:17 | Poruka broj: # 1429

Poruka: 4

Sta bi sa DreamBox listom ?
DIVAK22Datum: Subota, 24.12.2016, 15:20 | Poruka broj: # 1430

Poruka: 360

Quote okllas ()
Sta bi sa DreamBox listom ?

Daj da vidimo sta za lista imas
okllasDatum: Subota, 24.12.2016, 15:27 | Poruka broj: # 1431

Poruka: 4

Pitao sam sta bi sa dreambox LISTAMA i zasto je ukinuto ......?
IWillMakeHistoryTodayDatum: Subota, 24.12.2016, 15:38 | Poruka broj: # 1432

Poruka: 141

Our reseller send to me working links extracted from one very expensive Switzerland IPTV app,her streams is same to this one:


But problem with this streams is:I can"t watch this streams in any player on my PCs.I try this players:VLC,Kodi,XBMC Frodo,CherryPlayer,IP-TV Player,SimpleTV,QuickTime.
But problem is this app(source of this links) use ZAPPWARE platform and Verymatrix plugin for channel decryping and watching security.
Does anyone have idea how to deceive Verymatrix security,and watch this channels in player or players?
Who can help me, gets special gift from me 1 month of FULL(all channels form all packages) playlist for 6 devices,and can be used of different IP,and this playlist which creates this problems for me. wink

If you LIKE this post,please say thanks by giving me +1 Reputation.Thanks
DilberDatum: Subota, 24.12.2016, 16:06 | Poruka broj: # 1433

Poruka: 1861

Quote okllas ()
Pitao sam sta bi sa dreambox LISTAMA i zasto je ukinuto ......?

sta je ukinuto?


Molim da ako zelite da mi se zahvalite povisite mi reputaciju ili mi dajte nagradu umjesto spamovanja po temama, hvala

Pleasse if you want to thank me give me reputation instead of spamming topics, thank you
hadzajDatum: Nedjelja, 25.12.2016, 11:06 | Poruka broj: # 1434

Poruka: 39

Kako da otvorim ove dreabox ip adrese, meni djeluju kao ip rutera a ne dreama jer nemaju port , ako je ovo npr. ip rutera , adresa dreama bi bila ?
DilberDatum: Nedjelja, 25.12.2016, 13:30 | Poruka broj: # 1435

Poruka: 1861

Quote hadzaj ()
adresa dreama bi bila ?

da ali moras da znas koji je port

Molim da ako zelite da mi se zahvalite povisite mi reputaciju ili mi dajte nagradu umjesto spamovanja po temama, hvala

Pleasse if you want to thank me give me reputation instead of spamming topics, thank you
IWillMakeHistoryTodayDatum: Srijeda, 28.12.2016, 14:18 | Poruka broj: # 1436

Poruka: 141

I also find this in this streams,does i need this for watching,or need to enter something look like this:
#EXTVLCOPT--something form playlist node*?
#EXTINF Channel name 1 HD

<node class="Image" id="Image-8870f81e-a9e6-4520-83a1-757cbdfcf951" name="N24_HD_1080p">
<properties><property name="name">N24_HD_1080p</property>
<property name="id">8870f81e-a9e6-4520-83a1-757cbdfcf951</property>
<property name="externalOrDynamic">false</property>
<property name="image">images/666254863.png</property>
<property name="resolution"HD_1080p</property>
<property name="focalY">0</property>
<property name="focalX">0</property></properties>

If you LIKE this post,please say thanks by giving me +1 Reputation.Thanks
Poruku uredio IWillMakeHistoryToday - Srijeda, 28.12.2016, 14:23
TheTruthfulDatum: Srijeda, 28.12.2016, 16:14 | Poruka broj: # 1437

Poruka: 13

Quote IWillMakeHistoryToday ()
I also find this in this streams,does i need this for watching,or need to enter something look like this:
#EXTVLCOPT--something form playlist node*?
#EXTINF Channel name 1 HD

<node class="Image" id="Image-8870f81e-a9e6-4520-83a1-757cbdfcf951" name="N24_HD_1080p">
<properties><property name="name">N24_HD_1080p</property>
<property name="id">8870f81e-a9e6-4520-83a1-757cbdfcf951</property>
<property name="externalOrDynamic">false</property>
<property name="image">images/666254863.png</property>
<property name="resolution"HD_1080p</property>
<property name="focalY">0</property>
<property name="focalX">0</property></properties>

Node? No, that's just the image, thumbnail.
IWillMakeHistoryTodayDatum: Srijeda, 28.12.2016, 19:43 | Poruka broj: # 1438

Poruka: 141

This is full text with channel stream(I JUST HIDE ADRESS,BECAUSE I DON"T WISH POST PUBLIC,but i will send this to anyone who help me,and enable me for watching):

<node class="Channel" id="Channel-ff102099-f70c-4744-8d0a-227adcec0cc5" name="N24_HD_1080p"><properties>
<property name="defaultChannelNumber">29</property>
<property name="catchupTVEnabled">false</property>
<property name="visible">true</property>
<property name="needsRecordingEntitlement">true</property>
<property name="urlOTT">http://xxxxx-xxx.xxx/live/ramdisk/channelname/hls6/channelname.m3u8</property>
<property name="contentReference">gc://epg?channel=29</property>
<property name="needsWatchEntitlement">true</property>
<property name="restartTVEnabled">false</property>
<property name="needsRestartTVEntitlement">true</property>
<property name="ipChannel">false</property><property name="viewRestricted">false</property>
<property name="defaultBeforeTimeForRecordings">0</property><property name="tags">ZH=29
<property name="blocked">false</property>
<property name="id">ff102099-f70c-4744-8d0a-227adcec0cc5</property>
<property name="expandIntoParentCatalog">false</property>
<property name="externalOrDynamic">true</property>
<property name="resolution">HD</property>
<property name="dttChannel">false</property>
<property name="ottChannel">true</property>
<property name="content">TV</property>
<property name="defaultAfterTimeForRecordings">0</property>
<property name="cableChannel">false</property>
<property name="recordingEnabled">false</property>
<property name="needsCatchupTVEntitlement">true</property>
<property name="showRadioBackground">false</property>
<property name="titleENG">N24 HD</property>
<property name="titleDE">N24 HD</property>
<property name="titleCH">N24 HD</property>
<property name="titleFR">N24 HD</property>
<property name="titleUPC">N24 HD</property>
<property name="titleAAA">N24 HD</property>
<property name="name">N24_HD_1080p</property></properties>

If you LIKE this post,please say thanks by giving me +1 Reputation.Thanks
Poruku uredio IWillMakeHistoryToday - Srijeda, 28.12.2016, 19:43
mushokiDatum: Nedjelja, 01.01.2017, 01:09 | Poruka broj: # 1439

Poruka: 75

acc6002Datum: Nedjelja, 01.01.2017, 15:26 | Poruka broj: # 1440

Poruka: 15

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