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bingobongoDatum: Srijeda, 26.11.2014, 01:21 | Poruka broj: # 4901

Poruka: 1154

Quote tussde ()
Do you know if is there any similar thing in dos language so i can get


on the screen ?

However thanks for your advices you gave me so far !

With the echo command, it is quite easy (for example, you can just insert ^, with the result that the word following ^ will be printed on the new line.

The problem is that VLC commandline options don't support multiline strings. In fact, if you try to insert a multiline string as a parameter, VLC will close without starting streams.

Therefore, I tried to "emulate" a new line string by adding spaces after the epg event (the number of which will change dinamically depending on the characters length of the title event).

Although the string will be still a single line, when displayed on VLC it will look as if formed by two lines:

EVENT: event title
INFO: info title

To get this, feel free to change the subroutine END as it follows:

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

for %%a in (epg5.txt) do set /a length=%%~za
set /a length -=2
set /a SPC=100-%length%
SET "mychar= "
FOR /l %%i IN (2,1,%SPC%) DO CALL set "mychar=%%mychar%%%mychar%"

call %VLC% --sub-filter marq --marq-marquee="EVENT: %EPG%%mychar%INFO: %INFO%" --marq-size=20 --marq-position=4 --marq-timeout=30000 --fullscreen --aspect-ratio=16:9 "http://XX.XXX.XXX.XX:8001/[stream address]"    
del epg*.txt    
del info*.txt    
if exist piece.txt del piece.txt    

I hope it helps

Poruku uredio bingobongo - Srijeda, 26.11.2014, 01:43
KinkyKingDatum: Srijeda, 26.11.2014, 14:03 | Poruka broj: # 4902

Poruka: 63

Is there no admin here who cleans al the spam shit here???
ferrari777777777Datum: Srijeda, 26.11.2014, 16:34 | Poruka broj: # 4903

Poruka: 18
Status: Nordic.

P.S. Sky Sports SD/HD UK & NTV Plus SD/HD Russia. Please.

Poruku uredio ferrari777777777 - Srijeda, 26.11.2014, 16:35
tussdeDatum: Srijeda, 26.11.2014, 17:09 | Poruka broj: # 4904

Poruka: 25

Quote bingobongo ()
With the echo command, it is quite easy (for example, you can just insert ^, with the result that the word following ^ will be printed on the new line.

The problem is that VLC commandline options don't support multiline strings. In fact, if you try to insert a multiline string as a parameter, VLC will close without starting streams.

Therefore, I tried to "emulate" a new line string by adding spaces after the epg event (the number of which will change dinamically depending on the characters length of the title event).

Although the string will be still a single line, when displayed on VLC it will look as if formed by two lines:

EVENT: event title
INFO: info title

To get this, feel free to change the subroutine END as it follows:

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

for %%a in (epg5.txt) do set /a length=%%~za
set /a length -=2
set /a SPC=100-%length%
SET "mychar= "
FOR /l %%i IN (2,1,%SPC%) DO CALL set "mychar=%%mychar%%%mychar%"

call %VLC% --sub-filter marq --marq-marquee="EVENT: %EPG%%mychar%INFO: %INFO%" --marq-size=20 --marq-position=4 --marq-timeout=30000 --fullscreen --aspect-ratio=16:9 "http://XX.XXX.XXX.XX:8001/[stream address]"
del epg*.txt
del info*.txt
if exist piece.txt del piece.txt

I hope it helps

Hi !

The new "subroutine END" works but EVENT and INFO are never displayed properly: i mean sometimes i have

EVENT: (event description)
(some spaces) INFO:(info description)

sometimes i have event and info on the same row with the info description starting on the new row:

EVENT: (event description) (spaces)INFO:
(info description)

I really wanted to have this kind of "structure" (with "I" of info just under "E" of event)

EVENT: (event description)
INFO: (info description)

but I understand that too many things must be considered (due to vlc lack of multilines display) so even using a dynamic number of spaces the final result is acceptable but not as i expected.

Anyway, i want to thank you bingobongo for your tremendous effort !

Poruku uredio tussde - Srijeda, 26.11.2014, 17:16
bingobongoDatum: Srijeda, 26.11.2014, 17:21 | Poruka broj: # 4905

Poruka: 1154

Quote tussde ()
but I understand that too many things must be considered (due to vlc lack of multilines display) so even using a dynamic number of spaces the final result is acceptable but not as i expected.

I think the way marq-marquee displays the string on VLC is tricky, because the maximum number of characters contained in the displayed line changes every time.
I'll try to see if VLC has any options to handle the text alignment of the marquee, because this would surely fix the issue.
If not, I'm afraid we can't do much for that.

Also, you may consider to increase the value of SPC (from 100 to 105, for example):

set /a SPC=105-%length%

Poruku uredio bingobongo - Srijeda, 26.11.2014, 17:29
muhammedisa21Datum: Srijeda, 26.11.2014, 17:35 | Poruka broj: # 4906

Poruka: 212

Please MovieMax turk
bingobongoDatum: Srijeda, 26.11.2014, 17:38 | Poruka broj: # 4907

Poruka: 1154

Quote rbg ()

Notice: Xtrend et5000 with one tuner.

Xtrend decoders are expensive, but... they work so well!
I haven't found one Xtrend not working so far. Even Xtrend ips with one tuner are active in most cases.

Poruku uredio bingobongo - Srijeda, 26.11.2014, 17:41
bingobongoDatum: Srijeda, 26.11.2014, 17:47 | Poruka broj: # 4908

Poruka: 1154

Notice: Xtrend et5000 with one tuner

And.... for the joy of someone..... Dutch ip with Turkey-Turksat!!!! xD

(only Turkish active channels)
muhammedisa21Datum: Srijeda, 26.11.2014, 18:18 | Poruka broj: # 4909

Poruka: 212

Thank you bingobongo
Poruku uredio muhammedisa21 - Srijeda, 26.11.2014, 19:38
cirbolyaDatum: Srijeda, 26.11.2014, 19:44 | Poruka broj: # 4910

Poruka: 23

Welcome every dear forum members!
cirbolyaDatum: Srijeda, 26.11.2014, 20:02 | Poruka broj: # 4911

Poruka: 23


Please Hungarian, Webcontrol and/or Open webif ip adress.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards.
elsanto1Datum: Srijeda, 26.11.2014, 20:12 | Poruka broj: # 4912

Poruka: 248

mu bueno
Sultan-MirzaDatum: Srijeda, 26.11.2014, 20:20 | Poruka broj: # 4913

Poruka: 14621

Available to users only
bingobongoDatum: Srijeda, 26.11.2014, 20:23 | Poruka broj: # 4914

Poruka: 1154

Quote bingobongo ()
I'll try to see if VLC has any options to handle the text alignment of the marquee, because this would surely fix the issue.
If not, I'm afraid we can't do much for that.

Forget what I wrote before... I've just realized that actually it's not a matter of text alignment, but it's the screen resolution to change depending on the channel you are watching.

Enigma 2, in fact, uses three screen resolutions that vary depending on the channel you're viewing:

1920 x 1080 (HD)

544 x 576 (SD)

704 X 576 (SD)

The change of VLC resolution produces a change in the number of line characters. And not only: even marquee characters get proportionally resized (size characters gets smaller with HD screen, while becomes larger with SD).

I think for this kind of issues I can do something... but I need time, of course wink

Poruku uredio bingobongo - Četvrtak, 27.11.2014, 14:32
bingobongoDatum: Srijeda, 26.11.2014, 20:31 | Poruka broj: # 4915

Poruka: 1154

Quote sailelias2013 ()
sailelias2013 Post broj # 5249 - Ponedjeljak, 24.11.2014, 21:32:22

Poruka: 2
Nagrada: 2  +
Reputacija: -1  ±

sailesias2013, may I know why you keep reducing my reputation?

Any explanations are welcome. Thanks in advance wink

Poruku uredio bingobongo - Srijeda, 26.11.2014, 20:32
pokutDatum: Srijeda, 26.11.2014, 21:25 | Poruka broj: # 4916

Poruka: 38

Quote muhammedisa21
Thank you bingobongo

he will whine once the dreambox won't survive

Poruku uredio pokut - Četvrtak, 27.11.2014, 01:50
e01114693634Datum: Srijeda, 26.11.2014, 22:56 | Poruka broj: # 4917

Poruka: 49

Open Webif
BerserkerDatum: Četvrtak, 27.11.2014, 00:43 | Poruka broj: # 4918

Poruka: 12

elsanto1Datum: Četvrtak, 27.11.2014, 01:55 | Poruka broj: # 4919

Poruka: 248

jiiiii....ke mamom
pokutDatum: Četvrtak, 27.11.2014, 01:57 | Poruka broj: # 4920

Poruka: 38

tiny range many dm IPs from Malta, low upload speed but enough to watch xxx smile
they change IPs every 4-7 days overall unfortunately.
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