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nolteDatum: Petak, 14.03.2014, 14:42 | Poruka broj: # 501

Poruka: 6010

I really do not know how people can not understand that when publishing dm ip
ip automatically this is over, I've already talked about a few pages before
parkmanDatum: Petak, 14.03.2014, 15:11 | Poruka broj: # 502

Poruka: 12

Quote nolte ()
I really do not know how people can not understand that when publishing dm ip
ip automatically this is over, I've already talked about a few pages before

Unfortunatelly I think you might be right, I think that is better to just tell the ip ranges, so that everyone can scan by himself and keep the results private, or else this is going to be over soon sad

Poruku uredio parkman - Petak, 14.03.2014, 15:12
nolteDatum: Petak, 14.03.2014, 15:45 | Poruka broj: # 503

Poruka: 6010

Unfortunatelly I think you might be right, I think that is better to just tell the ip ranges, so that everyone can scan by himself and keep the results private, or else this is going to be over soon

99% ip adress what was posted here dont work , I dont know how some people can be stupid and cant understand this fact biggrin

Poruku uredio nolte - Petak, 14.03.2014, 15:45
nolteDatum: Petak, 14.03.2014, 15:48 | Poruka broj: # 504

Poruka: 6010


thank you for what you've destroyed a few more quality dm ip address tongue tongue
nolteDatum: Petak, 14.03.2014, 15:52 | Poruka broj: # 505

Poruka: 6010


Thanks to all for new Dreambox IP, it time for some pause about posting Dreambox ip because they now all over the internet so if we want to watch it in future we need to have some point how much to post it in public just saying

I dont know how some people can understand this fact
adrianDatum: Petak, 14.03.2014, 16:03 | Poruka broj: # 506

Poruka: 33

Quote kimimax ()
Thanks to all for new Dreambox IP, it time for some pause about posting Dreambox ip because they now all over the internet so if we want to watch it in future we need to have some point how much to post it in public just saying biggrin

You're right kimi, it's time for some pause, most of the published IPs here are down now.
bingobongoDatum: Petak, 14.03.2014, 16:08 | Poruka broj: # 507

Poruka: 1154

If the ips going down have already some important issues (such as the upload speed or the boss who is always tuned), that's not a big loss. The real problem is when the fastest ips go down. That's why now I generally post slow ips or those not working fully
myheeartDatum: Petak, 14.03.2014, 16:26 | Poruka broj: # 508

Poruka: 88

Quote parkman ()
Quote nolte ()
I really do not know how people can not understand that when publishing dm ip
ip automatically this is over, I've already talked about a few pages before
Unfortunatelly I think you might be right, I think that is better to just tell the ip ranges, so that everyone can scan by himself and keep the results private, or else this is going to be over soon

agree 100%

Poruku uredio myheeart - Petak, 14.03.2014, 16:27
kimimaxDatum: Petak, 14.03.2014, 16:42 | Poruka broj: # 509

Poruka: 96

the best will be to every one scan by him self, its ok to post some time some ip (that working SD or HD we dont ip with black screen) if some one want a arabic sky uk spain german etc make a request here some one will sent to him on PM DM IP

kimimaxDatum: Petak, 14.03.2014, 16:48 | Poruka broj: # 510

Poruka: 96

I need SKY ITALIA WITH HD on PM if any one have with good speed smile
alfon_sitoDatum: Petak, 14.03.2014, 18:16 | Poruka broj: # 511

Poruka: 60

I need CANAL+ SPAIN with HD. Exchange on PM cool
Thanks Hvala

Poruku uredio alfon_sito - Petak, 14.03.2014, 18:22
komjicDatum: Petak, 14.03.2014, 18:56 | Poruka broj: # 512

Poruka: 36

What i see is

If someone post a dreambox link and the owner watch a channel
He will be kicked for a sec but if he is smart he knows after a whike someone is watching
And he block the webif and your done

You can post whatever you want but most people know now how to get the ip
mark7600Datum: Petak, 14.03.2014, 19:26 | Poruka broj: # 513

Poruka: 7

i search sky italia with good speed....if yuo have one send me on pm thanks
alennnowDatum: Petak, 14.03.2014, 19:48 | Poruka broj: # 514

Poruka: 86

Does some one has fox sports international link? Pm me.
How can i scan ips? i have now ip scanner. please help me
vaidaidaiDatum: Petak, 14.03.2014, 20:31 | Poruka broj: # 515

Poruka: 97

è inutile mettere qualcosa qui, tanto viene tutto bloccato piü tardi!!!! mi chiedo quale sia lo scopo di questo sito a questo punto????

prenderci in giro forse??? angry
kicaDatum: Petak, 14.03.2014, 22:09 | Poruka broj: # 516

Poruka: 29

Moze li se nekako gledati na pc hvala
MscxxDatum: Petak, 14.03.2014, 23:06 | Poruka broj: # 517

Poruka: 15

Quote vaidaidai ()
è inutile mettere qualcosa qui, tanto viene tutto bloccato piü tardi!!!! mi chiedo quale sia lo scopo di questo sito a questo punto????

prenderci in giro forse???

Shut UP! This site Is a Comunity of cool people, if you u dont like u can go to another site. che fa ti rode che pubblicano Ip che vorresti tenerti stretto? eh furbacchione. vai altrove senti a me.
parkmanDatum: Subota, 15.03.2014, 00:34 | Poruka broj: # 518

Poruka: 12

I can trade some uk dreambox and one from Italy for a Ip with spanish digital + channels with good speed PM for more info biggrin
myheeartDatum: Subota, 15.03.2014, 00:36 | Poruka broj: # 519

Poruka: 88

what's up there ?is there any news
vaidaidaiDatum: Subota, 15.03.2014, 00:43 | Poruka broj: # 520

Poruka: 97

volevo solo vedere la vostra reazione!!!! personalmente questo sito mi piace perchè è vario!!!
ti sbagli, io preferisco dividere quello che ho con altri!!!

nisam hteo da uvredjam nikoga, i zelim da ostanem ovde!!! jer ovde mi se svidja...ehehe!!! biggrin cool
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