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mishuedmDatum: Subota, 22.03.2014, 14:36 | Poruka broj: # 761

Poruka: 4

@nolte wow, you really posted here a lot, but in the end I have to agree with:

Quote goddeux2 ()
I know it's a good intention, but posting these IP's like this is killing them. It's better to trade them by PM one by one, otherwise we will run out of them really fast. One of the IPs that I scanned and was using for almost one month was posted here and in less then 1h was dead...

@Pizorko, LOL.. found something similar yesterday, having login, but 'admin' was the user & pass wacko then it showed me some error about having to update my browser's activex and I 'gave up', anyway, I'm not the kind of man to 'destroy' other's things biggrin
myheeartDatum: Subota, 22.03.2014, 14:59 | Poruka broj: # 762

Poruka: 88

Quote nolte ()

myheeartDatum: Subota, 22.03.2014, 15:01 | Poruka broj: # 763

Poruka: 88

Quote nolte ()


Quote nolte ()

myheeartDatum: Subota, 22.03.2014, 15:14 | Poruka broj: # 764

Poruka: 88

Quote goddeux2 ()
I know it's a good intention, but posting these IP's like this is killing them. It's better to trade them by PM one by one, otherwise we will run out of them really fast. One of the IPs that I scanned and was using for almost one month was posted here and in less then 1h was dead...

exactly .you completely right .so we should to be wiser to keep all IPS long time a live , the problem nt only to br dead ,maybe the Owners creat Passwords and users ,then you see it a live but you can not enter
Tps2000Datum: Subota, 22.03.2014, 15:16 | Poruka broj: # 765

Poruka: 38

Good morning every one , I need some help plz , I will appreciate any help. . Thanks
bingobongoDatum: Subota, 22.03.2014, 15:16 | Poruka broj: # 766

Poruka: 1154

Notice: 1 tuner. Working (slowly) with Team Sat channels

Poruku uredio bingobongo - Subota, 22.03.2014, 16:06
ntvplus701Datum: Subota, 22.03.2014, 16:38 | Poruka broj: # 767

Poruka: 28

Quote nolte ()

is not Arabia!

here Arabia!!!

Poruku uredio ntvplus701 - Subota, 22.03.2014, 16:41
ljubo9313Datum: Subota, 22.03.2014, 19:10 | Poruka broj: # 768

Poruka: 5

ljudi pomozitemi imali iko pinkove da mogu veceras gledati.hvala
nolteDatum: Subota, 22.03.2014, 19:56 | Poruka broj: # 769

Poruka: 6010

exactly .you completely right .so we should to be wiser to keep all IPS long time a live , the problem nt only to br dead ,maybe the Owners creat Passwords and users ,then you see it a live but you can not enter

Guys, if you are reading this topic at all, there are already two months that I'm saying that we should not post dm address and you persistently continue posting .....
I have several thousand dm address and I'll post them all in a few days, blow up all dm addresses within a few days
Let that be a lesson biggrin

Poruku uredio nolte - Subota, 22.03.2014, 19:57
kimimaxDatum: Subota, 22.03.2014, 20:28 | Poruka broj: # 770

Poruka: 96

Quote ntvplus701 ()
here Arabia!!!

Awsome myHD big thanks
dylandogDatum: Subota, 22.03.2014, 20:47 | Poruka broj: # 771

Poruka: 24

About learnig how to scan:
Hi guys Can someone explain how to set correctly Angry ip scan? We have to set only port 80? I tried to use in little range in which I know there is a workin ip and I see that sometime it works also if is not alive in results. Why? what is netmask? Is possible that if the program don't find ip is because nothing runnig.
Help us to understand.
Thanks for the good teachers biggrin
BookDatum: Subota, 22.03.2014, 20:58 | Poruka broj: # 772

Poruka: 18

ljubo9313Datum: Subota, 22.03.2014, 21:08 | Poruka broj: # 773

Poruka: 5

poz. mozeli ikomi pomoci za pinkove daji mogu gledati. hvala
teacherDatum: Subota, 22.03.2014, 21:14 | Poruka broj: # 774

Poruka: 135

Dreambox Air Control

A very good software, Allows to control hundreds of dreamboxes simply by adding the IP. Requires VLC/WMP or Simple TV and Adobe Air 2.
Very comfortable if you have 100s of dreambox ips. I'm very happy with this free software.


It's only available in German sad

Poruku uredio teacher - Subota, 22.03.2014, 21:19
teacherDatum: Subota, 22.03.2014, 21:26 | Poruka broj: # 775

Poruka: 135

@ nolte

Why do you post so many IPs from Telekom Italia? The maximum upload speed from this provider is 1 mb/sec. No chance to get any stream.... (minimum should be 3mb/sec for SD and 6mb/sek for HD).

I would prefer one post for alle the streams..... biggrin

Thanks anyway
koraysxDatum: Subota, 22.03.2014, 21:39 | Poruka broj: # 776

Poruka: 31

dreambox ip scan software and settings Can you tell Have thanks
Poruku uredio koraysx - Subota, 22.03.2014, 21:39
Tps2000Datum: Subota, 22.03.2014, 21:39 | Poruka broj: # 777

Poruka: 38

Hi there , can I add ip db to my Linux receiver ? Can u answer that
Tps2000Datum: Subota, 22.03.2014, 21:40 | Poruka broj: # 778

Poruka: 38

@ teacher
Plz can u answer my question. Thank u
teacherDatum: Subota, 22.03.2014, 21:58 | Poruka broj: # 779

Poruka: 135

Dreambox Air Control is for Windows 7 or Android. You can watch your dreambox or any others (if you have good ip-adresses) on your PC or your Android tablet or phone. Even a Mac-Version is under development, but no Linux sad
Poruku uredio teacher - Subota, 22.03.2014, 22:02
Tps2000Datum: Subota, 22.03.2014, 22:16 | Poruka broj: # 780

Poruka: 38

@ teacher
No I mean a good. Ip db. With a service code of channels I will be able to add it on my receiver and watch on tv thanks
I don't use PC or tablet to watch. I'm just taking about putting those ip on my receiver and watch on tv thank u
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