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PizorkoDatum: Subota, 22.03.2014, 22:41 | Poruka broj: # 781

Poruka: 362

@ nolte

Why do you post so many IPs from Telekom Italia? The maximum upload speed from this provider is 1 mb/sec. No chance to get any stream.... (minimum should be 3mb/sec for SD and 6mb/sek for HD).

I would prefer one post for alle the streams..... biggrin

Thanks anyway
Druze ovi nerazume ili se pravi da nerazume za to go ostavi da radi sta hoce - nevidis li da misli da je uhvatil dzjemper boga .Vazno je da ne mu diras perja da moze da maha krile.hehehehihihihe
dylandogDatum: Nedjelja, 23.03.2014, 00:20 | Poruka broj: # 782

Poruka: 24

Someone can answer to my questions? Thank u

About learnig how to scan:
Hi guys Can someone explain how to set correctly Angry ip scan? We have to set only port 80? I tried to use in little range in which I know there is a workin ip and I see that sometime it works also if is not alive in results. Why? what is netmask? Is possible that if the program don't find ip is because nothing runnig.
Help us to understand.
Thanks for the good teachers biggrin
megaslowDatum: Nedjelja, 23.03.2014, 01:15 | Poruka broj: # 783

Poruka: 11

bingobongoDatum: Nedjelja, 23.03.2014, 04:26 | Poruka broj: # 784

Poruka: 1154

I've noticed Macedonia has an impressive amount of dreambox ips. A lot of them are active. If only their speed was faster, they would be perfect for some Ex-Yugoslavian channels

Poruku uredio bingobongo - Nedjelja, 23.03.2014, 04:31
TVRODatum: Nedjelja, 23.03.2014, 04:59 | Poruka broj: # 785

Poruka: 293

Why I can not find China's DREAMBOX?
iusluDatum: Nedjelja, 23.03.2014, 11:26 | Poruka broj: # 786

Poruka: 139

Quote teacher ()
Dreambox Air Control

A very good software, Allows to control hundreds of dreamboxes simply by adding the IP. Requires VLC/WMP or Simple TV and Adobe Air 2.
Very comfortable if you have 100s of dreambox ips. I'm very happy with this free software.


thanks super
modjoDatum: Nedjelja, 23.03.2014, 13:16 | Poruka broj: # 787

Poruka: 21

Hello i need Bulgarian dreambox Blizoo or Bulsatcom? Thank you
Tps2000Datum: Nedjelja, 23.03.2014, 15:05 | Poruka broj: # 788

Poruka: 38

Hi. Need help please !!!
teacherDatum: Nedjelja, 23.03.2014, 15:25 | Poruka broj: # 789

Poruka: 135


BookDatum: Nedjelja, 23.03.2014, 15:40 | Poruka broj: # 790

Poruka: 18

anyone Thailand DB IP ??
modjoDatum: Nedjelja, 23.03.2014, 16:31 | Poruka broj: # 791

Poruka: 21

Quote teacher () (has 4 tuners. 2 DVC and 2 DVS. You must findout the streaming port (is not 8001)

Thank you so much Teacher happy but how i can found out the streaming port if it's not 8001?
Also i'm looking for CBS Drama channel with Bulgarian subtitles and YFE (Your Family Entertainment) kids channel. I need your help guys. Thanks a lot again. I'm glad that i found this forum.

kimimaxDatum: Nedjelja, 23.03.2014, 17:00 | Poruka broj: # 792

Poruka: 96


try port 8002,8003,8004
Tps2000Datum: Nedjelja, 23.03.2014, 17:10 | Poruka broj: # 793

Poruka: 38

Hello. Plz working French ip db in pm please zzz !!!
maurino9595Datum: Nedjelja, 23.03.2014, 17:24 | Poruka broj: # 794

Poruka: 1

Thanks wink
modjoDatum: Nedjelja, 23.03.2014, 17:27 | Poruka broj: # 795

Poruka: 21

Quote kimimax ()

Thanks but sadly neither of those ports it's not working sad
SkillRaeDatum: Nedjelja, 23.03.2014, 17:34 | Poruka broj: # 796

Poruka: 8

Hi, How many users max for one Dreambox ip?
kimimaxDatum: Nedjelja, 23.03.2014, 17:54 | Poruka broj: # 797

Poruka: 96

Quote SkillRae ()
Hi, How many users max for one Dreambox ip?

one if the owener isin,t watching
SkillRaeDatum: Nedjelja, 23.03.2014, 18:17 | Poruka broj: # 798

Poruka: 8

Kimimax Thank you, How many if the owners is watching?
kimimaxDatum: Nedjelja, 23.03.2014, 18:21 | Poruka broj: # 799

Poruka: 96

Quote SkillRae ()
How many if the owners is watching?

also one but you can watch only what the owener is watching that will be like for me no one biggrin
Tps2000Datum: Nedjelja, 23.03.2014, 18:29 | Poruka broj: # 800

Poruka: 38

Please guys need help
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