bingobongo | Datum: Ponedjeljak, 01.12.2014, 14:15 | Poruka broj: # 4982 |
Poruka: 1154
| Quote bingobongo ( ) So feel free to let me know which bouquets you usually view, and I will add an option for the screen resolution of these channels in order to avoid enabling zapstream.
No need of that, sorry. I'm studying an alternative way to foresee the screen resolution changes. I need time, but I'm on the right way
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tussde | Datum: Ponedjeljak, 01.12.2014, 17:44 | Poruka broj: # 4983 |
Poruka: 25
| Hi!
about epg:
i discovered that simple tv player allows to load rytec files to have epg; the problem is that when i try to load a rytec file (such as http://www.vuplus-community.net/rytec/rytecxmltvcsat.gz ) simple tv gives this :
Quote Error to read XML data(can't download file)(800c0005)
Any idea about this issue ? (I've windows vista 32 bit)
I hope somebody will help.
Poruku uredio tussde - Ponedjeljak, 01.12.2014, 17:47 |
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slackwareful | Datum: Ponedjeljak, 01.12.2014, 18:34 | Poruka broj: # 4984 |
Poruka: 93
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tussde | Datum: Ponedjeljak, 01.12.2014, 18:41 | Poruka broj: # 4985 |
Poruka: 25
| Quote tussde ( ) Hi! about epg: i discovered that simple tv player allows to load rytec files to have epg; the problem is that when i try to load a rytec file (such as http://www.vuplus-community.net/rytec/rytecxmltvcsat.gz ) simple tv gives this : Quote Error to read XML data(can't download file)(800c0005) Any idea about this issue ? (I've windows vista 32 bit) I hope somebody will help.
The thing is that on windows 7 64 bit version rytec files load with no problem ! (i've just tried) I googled the error and i've seen something related with "msxml" but i'm not sure if this the real issue !
Hope you can help me !
Poruku uredio tussde - Ponedjeljak, 01.12.2014, 18:42 |
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e01114693634 | Datum: Ponedjeljak, 01.12.2014, 19:11 | Poruka broj: # 4986 |
Poruka: 49
| openwebif openwebif
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nolte | Datum: Ponedjeljak, 01.12.2014, 19:24 | Poruka broj: # 4987 |
Poruka: 6010
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elsanto1 | Datum: Ponedjeljak, 01.12.2014, 19:34 | Poruka broj: # 4988 |
Poruka: 249
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elsanto1 | Datum: Ponedjeljak, 01.12.2014, 19:35 | Poruka broj: # 4989 |
Poruka: 249
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kalle189 | Datum: Utorak, 02.12.2014, 00:47 | Poruka broj: # 4990 |
Poruka: 1
| Available to users only
Poruku uredio kalle189 - Utorak, 02.12.2014, 01:27 |
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moro_musa | Datum: Utorak, 02.12.2014, 12:53 | Poruka broj: # 4991 |
Poruka: 139
| gracias
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bingobongo | Datum: Utorak, 02.12.2014, 13:43 | Poruka broj: # 4992 |
Poruka: 1154
| Quote tussde ( ) About your last version of the script: i tried it but sometimes vlc appears but stream does not load, sometimes stream loads but no epg ( it says "no available") But the thing i really want to say is that to me your new procedure is too risky because the .bat forces to zap channels ( wget -q -O - http://xx.xx.xx.xx/web/zap?sRef=[your stream]) I know that this is necessary in order to understand the right resolution of the channel (taken using this string: "wget -q -O - http://xx.xx.xx.xx/web/about ") to create the right amount of spaces between EVENT and INFO (correct me if i'm wrong) It's too risky because if the owner is watching , he can surely see that somebody is changing channel so high chances that he locks or kills the ip ! However thanks for your commitment !
Script to view Enigma 2 epg and event description on VLC (without zapstream):
Code wget -q -O - "http://xx.xx.xx.xx/web/epgservice?sRef=[your stream]" >> epg.txt type epg.txt | FINDSTR "e2eventtitle" >>epg2.txt type epg.txt | FINDSTR "e2eventdescriptionextended" >>info.txt type epg2.txt | cut -d "<" -f 2 >>epg3.txt type epg3.txt | cut -d ">" -f 2 >>epg4.txt type info.txt | cut -d "<" -f 2 >>info2.txt type info2.txt | cut -d ">" -f 2 >>info3.txt powershell -command "& {get-content epg4.txt -totalcount 1}" >>epg5.txt powershell -command "& {get-content info3.txt -totalcount 1}" >>infon.txt set /p EPG=<epg5.txt call :filesize2 "infon.txt" :filesize2 set size2=%~z1 if "%size2%"=="2" del infon.txt & goto ALTER if "%size2%"=="0" del infon.txt & goto ALTER set /p INFO=<infon.txt set a=0 goto Sub
:ALTER type epg.txt | FINDSTR "e2eventdescription" >>info5.txt type info5.txt | cut -d "<" -f 2 >>info6.txt type info6.txt | cut -d ">" -f 2 >>info7.txt powershell -command "& {get-content info7.txt -totalcount 1}" >>infon.txt set /p INFO=<infon.txt call :filesize3 "infon.txt" :filesize3 set size3=%~z1 if "%size3%"=="0" set EPG=not available & set INFO=not available & goto END goto Sub
:Sub set /a b=%a%+1 set /a a=%b% more +%b% infon.txt >>piece.txt set /p ADD=<piece.txt call :filesize "piece.txt" :filesize set size=%~z1 if "%size%"=="0" del piece.txt & goto END set INFON=%INFO%%ADD% set INFO=%INFON% del piece.txt goto Sub
:END setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for %%a in (epg5.txt) do set /a length=%%~za set /a length -=2 set /a SPC=95-%length% SET "mychar= " FOR /l %%i IN (2,1,%SPC%) DO CALL set "mychar=%%mychar%%%mychar%" call %VLC% "http://xx.xx.xx.xx:8001/[your stream]" --freetype-rel-fontsize=20 --meta-title="EVENT: %EPG%%mychar%INFO: %INFO%" --video-title-show --video-title-position=4 --video-title-timeout=30000 --fullscreen --aspect-ratio=16:9 "" del epg*.txt del info*.txt exit
Notice: compared to marq-marquee, the big advantage of meta-title is that it is not affected by screen resolution changes. This allows to put a never changing maximum number of space characters between %EPG% and %INFO%. And obviously, this also allows to avoid zapstream, box general info, screen size analysis subroutines etc. that complicate things too much.
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muhammedisa21 | Datum: Utorak, 02.12.2014, 23:30 | Poruka broj: # 4993 |
Poruka: 212
| Please turkey-turksat
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tussde | Datum: Srijeda, 03.12.2014, 02:26 | Poruka broj: # 4994 |
Poruka: 25
| Quote bingobongo ( ) Notice: compared to marq-marquee, the big advantage of meta-title is that it is not affected by screen resolution changes. This allows to put a never changing maximum number of space characters between %EPG% and %INFO%. And obviously, this also allows to avoid zapstream, box general info, screen size analysis subroutines etc. that complicate things too much.
Hi !
I've just tried your new script and got several results:
sometimes it's very good: http://i.imgur.com/LG1a1Pe.jpg (even if "info" is displayed in a strange way) sometimes it's acceptable: http://i.imgur.com/qKaSBz3.jpg ("info" not under "event") sometimes it's bad: http://i.imgur.com/MqX2hUj.jpg sometimes no epg: http://i.imgur.com/vI71WuW.jpg
So still variable results but i appreciate the effort you put into it.
One thing i don't like though is that even after 30 seconds, egp info continues to be displayed on the status bar as follows: http://i.imgur.com/TAR4p5x.jpg
Is it possible to remove that ?
Anyway for those who were asking about instructions, that's what you have to do:
a) Create a folder (for example "test1") with
1---wget.exe ---->http://users.ugent.be/~bpuype/cgi-bin/fetch.pl?dl=wget/wget.exe 2---cut.exe ---->http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/downlinks/coreutils-bin-zip.php (unzip and find cut.exe) 3---dlls (libiconv2 and libintl3) ---->http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/downlinks/coreutils-dep-zip.php (inside bin folder)
If you don't have powershell (search in C:\Windows\System32 and check if you have a "WindowsPowerShell" folder) download it. Just search "Windows PowerShell 2.0 and WinRM 2.0" for your operating system. It allows to extract the first line from a text file.
b) Open notepad, copy the following script (the last made by bingobongo with some changes i've made) and save it as a .bat file inside "test1" folder:
Quote wget -q -O - "http://xx.xxx.xxx.xx/web/epgservice?sRef=[stream]" >> epg.txt type epg.txt | FINDSTR "e2eventtitle" >>epg2.txt type epg.txt | FINDSTR "e2eventdescriptionextended" >>info.txt type epg2.txt | cut -d "<" -f 2 >>epg3.txt type epg3.txt | cut -d ">" -f 2 >>epg4.txt type info.txt | cut -d "<" -f 2 >>info2.txt type info2.txt | cut -d ">" -f 2 >>info3.txt call "C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -command "& {get-content epg4.txt -totalcount 1}" >>epg5.txt call "C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -command "& {get-content info3.txt -totalcount 1}" >>infon.txt set /p EPG=<epg5.txt call :filesize2 "infon.txt" :filesize2 set size2=%~z1 if "%size2%"=="2" del infon.txt & goto ALTER if "%size2%"=="0" del infon.txt & goto ALTER set /p INFO=<infon.txt set a=0 goto Sub
:ALTER type epg.txt | FINDSTR "e2eventdescription" >>info5.txt type info5.txt | cut -d "<" -f 2 >>info6.txt type info6.txt | cut -d ">" -f 2 >>info7.txt call "C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -command "& {get-content info7.txt -totalcount 1}" >>infon.txt set /p INFO=<infon.txt call :filesize3 "infon.txt" :filesize3 set size3=%~z1 if "%size3%"=="0" set EPG=not available & set INFO=not available & goto END goto Sub
:Sub set /a b=%a%+1 set /a a=%b% more +%b% infon.txt >>piece.txt set /p ADD=<piece.txt call :filesize "piece.txt" :filesize set size=%~z1 if "%size%"=="0" del piece.txt & goto END set INFON=%INFO%%ADD% set INFO=%INFON% del piece.txt goto Sub
:END setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for %%a in (epg5.txt) do set /a length=%%~za set /a length -=2 set /a SPC=95-%length% SET "mychar= " FOR /l %%i IN (2,1,%SPC%) DO CALL set "mychar=%%mychar%%%mychar%" call "C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" --freetype-rel-fontsize=20 --meta-title="EVENT: %EPG%%mychar%INFO: %INFO%" --video-title-show --video-title-position=4 --video-title-timeout=30000 --aspect-ratio=16:9 "http://xx.xxx.xxx.xx:8001/[stream]" del epg*.txt del info*.txt exit
All the credits go to bingobongo for is enormous work !
Notice: http://xx.xxx.xxx.xx is the ip address of the webcontrol page you have; [stream] is the channel id: for example if you want to watch s*y sp*orts 1 uk you have to substitute [stream] with 1:0:1:1076:7E5:2:11A0000:0:0:0:
When you see Quote call "C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" and Quote call "C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" you have to write inside "" your actual path of powershell and vlc to make it work ! (generally if you have installed them without changing default folder, you don't have to do any change !)
One more thing: few posts ago i talked about an issue with epg in simple tv. I've solved it and the cause was a proxy server that was set in internet explorer ! (very strange!!!) Once disabled, epg info were displayed with no problem.
Poruku uredio tussde - Srijeda, 03.12.2014, 02:59 |
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elsanto1 | Datum: Srijeda, 03.12.2014, 02:47 | Poruka broj: # 4995 |
Poruka: 249
| plus
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slackwareful | Datum: Srijeda, 03.12.2014, 09:27 | Poruka broj: # 4996 |
Poruka: 93
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muhammedisa21 | Datum: Srijeda, 03.12.2014, 14:46 | Poruka broj: # 4997 |
Poruka: 212
| Thank you slackwareful but not working turkey dreambox.please turkey-turksat
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bingobongo | Datum: Četvrtak, 04.12.2014, 02:24 | Poruka broj: # 4998 |
Poruka: 1154
| Quote tussde ( )
Apart from the missing alignment of event and info, the ampersand & is written in a "strange" way because on windows batch you need the escape character to print it correctly. I can easily fix this issue.
Quote tussde ( )
I have introduced the option "not available" when the epg is missing from the Enigma 2 web interface source. Therefore, I do not consider this one as an issue depending on the script. The script displays only the info found on Enigma 2 web interface. When Enigma 2 epg info are missing, instead of showing a blank space (which would be even worse to see), the script will say: "not available". Also notice that "not available" appears when the script can't take the info from a mistyped stream address (in that case, you need to re-insert the stream address correctly and run the script again).
Poruku uredio bingobongo - Četvrtak, 04.12.2014, 02:44 |
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hbglucas | Datum: Četvrtak, 04.12.2014, 17:48 | Poruka broj: # 4999 |
Poruka: 5
| Portugal please
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teacher | Datum: Četvrtak, 04.12.2014, 18:47 | Poruka broj: # 5000 |
Poruka: 135
| Portugal
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