frankiepentangelli | Datum: Četvrtak, 04.12.2014, 19:28 | Poruka broj: # 5001 |
Poruka: 18
| elsanto1 geen van de ter beschikking gestelde werken ... thanks
| |
bingobongo | Datum: Četvrtak, 04.12.2014, 22:17 | Poruka broj: # 5002 |
Poruka: 1154
| Quote tussde ( )
Script to view Enigma epg and event description on VLC (updated):
wget -q -O - "http://xx.xx.xx.xx/web/epgservice?sRef=[your stream]" >> epg.txt type epg.txt | FINDSTR "e2eventtitle" >>epg2.txt type epg.txt | FINDSTR "e2eventdescriptionextended" >>info.txt type epg2.txt | cut -d "<" -f 2 >>epg3.txt type epg3.txt | cut -d ">" -f 2 >>epg4.txt type info.txt | cut -d "<" -f 2 >>info2.txt type info2.txt | cut -d ">" -f 2 >>info3.txt powershell -command "& {get-content epg4.txt -totalcount 1}" >>epg5.txt powershell -command "& {get-content info3.txt -totalcount 1}" >>infon.txt set /p EPG=<epg5.txt call :filesize2 "infon.txt" :filesize2 set size2=%~z1 if "%size2%"=="2" del infon.txt & goto ALTER if "%size2%"=="0" del infon.txt & goto ALTER sed "s/amp; / /g" infon.txt >>infon2.txt set /p INFO=<infon2.txt set a=0 goto Sub
:ALTER type epg.txt | FINDSTR "e2eventdescription" >>info5.txt type info5.txt | cut -d "<" -f 2 >>info6.txt type info6.txt | cut -d ">" -f 2 >>info7.txt powershell -command "& {get-content info7.txt -totalcount 1}" >>infon.txt sed "s/amp; / /g" infon.txt >>infon2.txt set /p INFO=<infon2.txt call :filesize3 "infon2.txt" :filesize3 set size3=%~z1 if "%size3%"=="0" set EPG=not available & set INFO=not available & goto SCREEN goto Sub
:Sub set /a b=%a%+1 set /a a=%b% more +%b% infon.txt >>piece.txt set /p ADD=<piece.txt call :filesize "piece.txt" :filesize set size=%~z1 if "%size%"=="0" del piece.txt & goto SCREEN set INFON=%INFO%%ADD% set INFO=%INFON% del piece.txt goto Sub
:SCREEN echo [your stream] >>screen.txt type screen.txt | FINDSTR "1:0:19" >> screen2.txt call :filesize4 "screen2.txt" :filesize4 set size4=%~z1 if "%size4%"=="0" goto SD if "%size4%"=="2" goto SD goto HD
:SD set SIZE=28 goto END
:HD set SIZE=56 goto END
:END setlocal enabledelayedexpansion SET "mychar= " FOR /l %%i IN (2,1,4) DO CALL set "mychar=%%mychar%%%mychar%" call %VLC% --no-qt-name-in-title --sub-filter marq --marq-marquee="%mychar%EVENT: %EPG%" --marq-size=%SIZE% --marq-position=5 --marq-opacity=255 --marq-timeout=28000 --freetype-rel-fontsize=20 --freetype-opacity=255 --meta-title="INFO: %INFO%" --video-title-show --video-title-position=5 --video-title-timeout=30000 --fullscreen --aspect-ratio=16:9 "http://xx.xx.xx.xx:8001/[your stream]" if exist piece.txt del piece.txt del epg*.txt del info*.txt del chk*.txt del screen*.txt exit
Dependencies: wget, cut, sed, dlls
Parts to edit are marked in red, where:
xx.xx.xx.xx=web interface IP
[your stream]=channel id
Notice: hopefully fixed the main issues spotted out by tussde.
I especially:
- improved text alignment between title event (EPG) and description (INFO)
- fixed the correct printing of the ampersand (thanks to sed.exe, which I recommend to add to the folder script)
- added an option to resize writings and spaces on HD channels
- hidden undesired writings from the status bar of VLC
Poruku uredio bingobongo - Četvrtak, 04.12.2014, 22:54 |
| |
Sultan-Mirza | Datum: Četvrtak, 04.12.2014, 23:54 | Poruka broj: # 5003 |
Poruka: 14773
| Available to users only
| |
mitica68 | Datum: Petak, 05.12.2014, 01:27 | Poruka broj: # 5004 |
Poruka: 73
| Does anyone know the username and password,please
| |
muhammedisa21 | Datum: Petak, 05.12.2014, 02:08 | Poruka broj: # 5005 |
Poruka: 212
| Please turkey-turksat
| |
elsanto1 | Datum: Petak, 05.12.2014, 04:13 | Poruka broj: # 5006 |
Poruka: 249
| plus
| |
Gartsas | Datum: Petak, 05.12.2014, 11:56 | Poruka broj: # 5007 |
Poruka: 41
Poruku uredio Gartsas - Petak, 05.12.2014, 14:13 |
| |
moro_musa | Datum: Petak, 05.12.2014, 13:53 | Poruka broj: # 5008 |
Poruka: 139
| gracias a todos
| |
Gartsas | Datum: Petak, 05.12.2014, 14:57 | Poruka broj: # 5009 |
Poruka: 41
Poruku uredio Gartsas - Petak, 05.12.2014, 15:52 |
| |
soloviola71 | Datum: Petak, 05.12.2014, 17:04 | Poruka broj: # 5010 |
Poruka: 14
| Ger-Turk
| |
olivier | Datum: Petak, 05.12.2014, 17:09 | Poruka broj: # 5011 |
Poruka: 6
| tks for all but have you french adresses to french channels ( ex: csat)
| |
tussde | Datum: Subota, 06.12.2014, 00:44 | Poruka broj: # 5012 |
Poruka: 25
| Quote bingobongo ( ) Dependencies: wget, cut, sed, dlls
Parts to edit are marked in red, where:
xx.xx.xx.xx=web interface IP
[your stream]=channel id
Notice: hopefully fixed the main issues spotted out by tussde.
I especially:
- improved text alignment between title event (EPG) and description (INFO)
- fixed the correct printing of the ampersand (thanks to sed.exe, which I recommend to add to the folder script)
- added an option to resize writings and spaces on HD channels
- hidden undesired writings from the status bar of VLC
Just tried your new script but unfortunately same results of the previous one ! Two more things i've noticed:
1)- now "INFO" description on the top of the screen (under "event "description) is strangely written in bold ! 2)- still "undesidered" writings =>now you have info description permanently displayed into the status bar !
Poruku uredio tussde - Subota, 06.12.2014, 00:47 |
| |
bughy29 | Datum: Nedjelja, 07.12.2014, 03:59 | Poruka broj: # 5013 |
Poruka: 33
| romanian dreambox please
| |
halieutiqueing | Datum: Nedjelja, 07.12.2014, 12:08 | Poruka broj: # 5014 |
Poruka: 7
| hi thank you for your great job
| |
Berserker | Datum: Nedjelja, 07.12.2014, 17:13 | Poruka broj: # 5015 |
Poruka: 12
| Someone has a fast German Open WebIF/Dreambox ?
| |
mitica68 | Datum: Nedjelja, 07.12.2014, 18:39 | Poruka broj: # 5016 |
Poruka: 73
| romanian dreambox please
| |
halieutiqueing | Datum: Nedjelja, 07.12.2014, 21:08 | Poruka broj: # 5017 |
Poruka: 7
| thank for all for this great job I need if there any openwebif for arabic channels
| |
vvaz24 | Datum: Nedjelja, 07.12.2014, 22:05 | Poruka broj: # 5018 |
Poruka: 63
| Does anyone have more Portuguese webinfs or dreamboxes?
| |
bingobongo | Datum: Ponedjeljak, 08.12.2014, 02:53 | Poruka broj: # 5019 |
Poruka: 1154
| Quote vvaz24 ( ) Does anyone have more Portuguese webinfs or dreamboxes?
Notice: Meo channels active. Full speed.
| |
vvaz24 | Datum: Ponedjeljak, 08.12.2014, 02:55 | Poruka broj: # 5020 |
Poruka: 63
| Thanks alot bingobongo.
| |